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In the quiet glow of a serene morning, two souls sat across from each other, their emotions veiled behind...
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A wise old traveler once walked along a long and lonesome path through a dark and strange forest. A impish...
One day my father came home to the sweet aroma of corn cooking on top of the coal range. I don’t...
I have nothing to do, so let's write, you can't believe anything that is true? And with everybody's...
Do you truly reveal your essence? Or do you project an illusion untrue?
A mirage of...
I look older, I look younger, I’m too ugly, I’m too pretty, Which one is it? The former or...
Live in now, don’t plan every minute, relax and trust the moment, work when you’re working, clock in and...
Demonizing opinion and thought using the law Is like declawing a cat or clipping the wings Of...
Whisper me away It's been a year now Allow me to fall from both your lips and fingertips....
When we're young we're told don't lie...
Be honest...
Always tell the truth...
There's an explosion waiting to be awoken deep down in my core you feel no need to...
Home.. what is a home? Is it where you lay your head down to rest? is it a place you...
When I see how devastated he is I feel torn because you are my closest friend You're my...
Before we go any further for a moment at least Maybe it would be a good idea, for...
Sometimes I'm a white rose Not with thorns just scars On my stem and petals Please use...