Learning new languages, qualifying in numerous fields, Improving my body and sharpening all my...
The stars lit up like candles Love in the stars that's special and magical Enchanting...
Earth acted as the platform, For my transition into the stars The atoms of my existence...
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The silent soul who sullenly seeps within the sentimental seas of solitude ....
Light a candle for success A candle that burns with golden dreams and high hopes A flame...
The stars lit up like birthday candles Birthday candles in the stars The angels celebrating...
I watch you disappear behind a curtain, where are you going, will you tell me when you get there,...
Mosquitos destroy the blood! Lion will only nibble, Leak; overflows with flood! ...
Stars are wild and free Stars aren't tamed like these beasts
They're apart of a vast galaxy...
Millions of stars light up our love in the heavens and Milky Way galaxy like candles A...
Stars shining brightly in the heavens and Milky Way galaxy Angels in the stars shining their...
Mystical moonlight Glistening stars in the night Enchanting diamonds Light up the...
Millions of stars sparkling like diamonds in the night sky A glowing star 🌟 A bright future...
Millions of stars light up the night sky like candles A shining star 🌟 like an angel in the stars...
Glistening stars in the Milky Way galaxy lit up like birthday candles Glowing angels who light up...
Be like a star in the night sky and shine like a diamond 💎🌟 As you choose a star and follow your...
Stars like sprinkles in the night sky A full moon lit up like a birthday candle 🎂 The moon...