Bloody Hell.

I wished upon a star. Nothing happened.
I wished God would help me. He, said he would. But, with a proviso, attached. If, he helped me, as he seemed to, or " intended ", then, I would have to help him. An offer I could not refuse, really ! Who, does not want to be a " helper " in this line of " work " ? :)
I waited for, the call. It, came. I had to do what no other has been capable of. That, is a challenge. Plus some. Anyway, what could I do, but, my best ? What, was the challenge, you ask ? Then again, why should you, considering history ? I had to please a woman for a whole month, without complaint.
God, obviously needed to reevaluate " hope " ( not, relating to Bob ), and its justification as a blessing, exposed to harshest conditions. I was up, for this. I tell you ! :)
How did, it, go ? Like a dream. And, I was not even asleep. I chose well. To make the task set that much easier. A wise move ?
All, she ever wanted, was pleasure, by physical " communications. " The message I delivered was clear. In many ways. A wise move ? :)
God, was so impressed. He gave me an award. I keep this on the shelf, for a " rainy day " ! Just, in case, of personal problems. A touch selfish, I know. But, necessary considering, my predicament ! I am trying to rid myself of my antipothis. The product of dark incursions into hidden cultures. Her. I am in hell, NOW.
Who, can I turn to ? Only God's rival. I yearn variety, if you know what I mean ! Within, the most important " arena " of existence. It, is the spice of life, you know, which matters. I fear, I do not get enough of, it.
I think the " little guy " was " shafted " ! If, you ask me. But, please do not under-estimate the peril, within these circumstances...and threat of, " you know, what " !! :)
I do not wish to use God's award. For, obvious reasons. And, I think " The Eternal Battle " deserves more respect, than I can give, it. You, must understand, what I refer to. Surely, to goodness ? But, what, that, has to do with, anything, I can not quantify !! Really.
Be careful, what, you wish for ! Under, the " thumb ", or conditions correlating with " damnation ", and expectation, must be taken into " account ". Please, heed the advice.