A Birthday Promise to Jo Cox
Happy birthday Jo,
I wish that you were here.
I wish that you hadn't been stolen
by an idiots irrational fears.
Born 22nd June 1974,
you were ten years younger than me .
The memory of your maiden speech,
one of the memories I hold dear.
So I make this promise,
as I raise a birthday beer;
I promise that I will carry on.
I promise I'll still care.
I promise I will not be swayed
by doubt, or anger or fear.
I will reach out to the lonely
with your memory in my heart.
I will try to stem the tears.
Happy birthday Jo.
We will always miss you.
It has been painful these last two years.
Though there is good reason to be hopeful Jo.
Jeremy Corbyn is still here.
For Jo Cox, b. 22/06/1974 d. 16/06/2016
A shining light of decency in the mire of Westminster
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Well said Nigel. I share your political views and especially the message of this poem. Great tribute.
That was a sad day indeed.
Take care - Syd
Thanks so much Syd. She was such an inspiration.
Thank you Tina, I was supposed to meet her at a labour party do but something came up and I couldn't go. She helped give me hope in brittish politics. So badly missed.
Thanks Tina
Very nice from an American Libertarian
Thank you Greg, Jo's murder was a loss to all libertarians.
Bravo poet
Thank you Your Joe,