A Depressed Mans Perception

I breathe her in,
The bundle of nerves
in my brain stem
With electricity
And I am consumed by her.
I am drawn to this woman
like a bee is to honey.
I need her
As bad as I need air in my lungs as bad,
As I need blood in my veins skin on my bones
I want to wrap myself
in her skin,
So that I can become a part of her body.
I need her body.
Her body is grace her body,
is not perfect
But I fucking love it that way
it’s almost like,
Her imperfections
And my imperfections
Have molded together to form
This perfect sphere of
imperfect perfection and god,
It is perfection.
I don’t understand
what she sees in me.
Some days
I don’t love myself.
Some days I can hardly bear
To pull myself out of bed
My hands and feet
acting as anchors
My body
a ship at a cold dead stop
some days,
I want to die.
Some days I don’t love myself.
And I can’t imagine
how she could.
I know
She says that she loves me.
That I am the one thing that makes her happy
That I make her feel safe
That I keep her grounded
That I am her world
that I am her
Reason for smiling for breathing that I,
Am what keeps her sane
But I do not understand how I keep her sane
When it is insanity
That threatens to consume my mind each day.
I am still broken,
Yet I am trying to fix her
Because for some reason
Her wellbeing
Is so much more important
Than my own.
My medication
Is allowing my mind to fail me.
I cannot feel much
But I can feel this love for her
Pulsing through my bloodstream
She is heroin,
Her kiss the needle
I am overdosing on her affection
I am spitting up her laughter
And choking on her smile.
I like to take long walks on the beach.
Sometimes I turn my body towards the water
And walk
Straight in with my clothes on
My t shirt clinging to my skin
As I sink beneath the ripples.
I had wondered
what it felt like to drown.
What it felt like to hold your breath
So long
You can feel your lungs pounding in your throat
Trying to claw their way out
Begging you to take a breath,
And when you finally give in
They are assaulted by water
Instead of gifted with air.
I wondered what it would feel like to drown,
So I dove into her mind
And sunk beneath her memories
Where I placed my own
And I felt safe.
For a moment, I had felt safe…
I allow this poetry to drip from my mouth
Like blood from an open wound
I wear my heart on my sleeve my eyes,
Now wet stare into the mirror.
At the time,
I longed to see
This delicate flower’s petals bend to my will
But I dared not touch her
For fear that
I would have tainted her colors
With my shades of agony
I was a broken man.
I am a broken man.
And as a broken man
I only deserve broken things,
That is why I ached to break her.
I wanted to peel back her soft pink petals
And leave her exposed to me
Because I realized
That if she was damaged,
I could keep her.
But for now, I will smile at her
And keep my thoughts of ruining her innocence
Hidden in the back of my mind
So she will not suspect
That I will be the cause of her destruction.
[I will watch her decay
And die
Slowly over time.
I will allow her to believe
That she is doing it to herself
I will not tell her,
That it is me pulling her apart like loose seams
On an old doll, I am the child,
That does not love their toy
And is willing to destroy the one thing
That provides
True happiness.]

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