Poem -

A Night to Disremember

Formerly, A Night to Remember.

A Night to Disremember

(This is a poem I never finished during my last debacle, which was kind of a passionate love poem, but took a turn for the worse after the dying of nice love. The ending is not what it was supposed to be, but neither was the word, forever, or the sanctity of love. I believe in love, but sometimes, in others, it is something that is disposable, and not worth a little strife, whether it be the desire to be praised by everyone, or the restictions of time in their lives. Sorry it ended badly, but things are very circumspect when someone is immediately with someone else, just as 'love' ends). 

As midnight's twilight winded down 
The heat arrived without a sound 
Two hearts entwined in primal dance 
As summoned by a simple glance 

On billowed puffs of linen land
Enraptured by a softened hand 
Which moves as on a tautened wand
Imposing serous from beyond

A movement to a lower plain
Where gorgeous tropic does contain 
And surging swells, they fill the hollow
A wave is held for heaves to follow

Then back to gaze the dream once more
A beauty which her eyes implore
And all that is inside of me 
Finds Heaven and is set to free 

And so we lie in precious time 
Nothing tween us 'cept our rhyme
And warmth's the only thing we feel 
The only thing in life that's real 

But that was something bright and new 
And time doth tarnish many hue
And now I shall forever rue 
The warmth of love I gave to you

For that is something that you give
To one with whom you'll ever live 
And not just something to be found 
When other actors come around. 

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Bernadete van d...

Not a happy ending, but maybe the next story will have a fabulous beginning and not a thought of ending. The title A Night to Disremember, instead of to forget, is great. Well done, Matthew. B

Matthew Zeccola

Thank you Bernadete, I really appreciate it, it's been a hard road, but next time I'll find the real thing. You're great, thanks! M. 


Your rhyming is completely wonderful and your serious poems a joy to read ..seriously. I've often wondered how real romantic love is Matthew... seems to me it is the weakest of all for when lust goes mostly so does love... whatever that was in the first place. Unbelievable that we all get married on the basis of... lust mostly. Call me a pessimist... I am... hats off to the few who make it through I say x

Matthew Zeccola

So true what you say Marion, but occasionally, the connection is good enough to keep the love and lust there always. I had that before, but, unfortunately, other factors of the world played into it, and love just wasn't enough for one, which is sad. You're a smart, intuitive person. And you're great. Love, M. 

Being Me

Oh...  Brilliant title. Disremember means forget ...and yet not quite. It means forget but with a desire to remember it a little bit even though it is probably better not too.... at all.

Another wonderful poem x

Shirley Harrison

Dear Mathew, well your punch line punched me hard, kudos for the rhyme the imagery the emotion and the reminder of what love can be or not be. I'd say brilliant. Now as I'm a huge fan of romantic poetry you have inspired me with those very last lines because we can  all indeed  be actors when it comes to love, I too have met a few. 🌹

Matthew Zeccola

Shirley, thank you for the wonderful review, you are so great. Thank you for reading my silly poetry, and for being the best! I will read more of your beautiful poetry soon(once this silly month end activity is over in the accounting office), and tell you how great you are. And you really are. 

Thank you!! 


Shirley Harrison

Dear Mathew I have no need to hear how great I am believe me, I am a vodka straight up, you my friend are welcome because your work is wonderful  🌹

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