Poem -

April 20 to April 30 poems

based on Writing COm Dew Drop Inn prompts

April 20 to April 30 poems

April 21—Salient  Image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at day’s end)

Image of My Smily Wife  Wife
Image of My Smily Wife  Dew Drop Inn

April 21—Salient  Image (poem based on one concrete thing you remember at day’s end)

Every evening when I fall asleep
I see my wife of 42 years
Coming to me.

And every morning
I wake up
Feeling her love

And I realize
That the one good thing
I have done in this life

Is marry the lady
Of my dreams.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2Qh
https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 22— Serio-comic dilemma

2024 Election Choices Election
2024 Election Choices  2024
2024 Election Choices Dew Drop Inn
2024 Election Choices  Writing com
2024 Election Choices  April Poems

April 22— Serio-comic dilemma
2024 Election Choices Trigger Warning -Anti-Trump Rant!

The election of 2024
Presents an existential choice
Which old white grandpa dude

Both past their prime time
Do you support for president?

Friendly, grandpa
Who has been president
For the last three years?
Presiding over a decent economic expansion
Amid war in Europe and the Mid-east.

Or the former chaos president

Facing multiple court cases
Owing settlements for fraud
Sexual assault and defamation?

Who promises more chaos
And retribution against his enemies
In the deep state, and media.

Calling them all communists
As if an international communist threat
Was it still a thing?

Promising to deport
Illegal aliens
And possibly withdrawing from nato
And other alliances,

and impose crippling tarrifs
on all imports?

Yet to his supporters
Has been anointed by god
To vanquish his enemies.

or vote for RFJ, JR
or Cornel West
or Jill Stein
or the liberarian candidate

or just boycot the election.
staying home in disjust.

Sadly, that is our choice
On election day.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2Qh
https://wp.me/p7NAzO-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 23—Let Shakespeare be your inspiration

My true love story
Almost seems like
A fairy tale romance.

Romeo and Julian almost.

Two lovers met
From different worlds
And find themselves.

Also has elements
Of “Mid-summer night dreams”
Sonnets and poems.

And other classic romance
Dramas, poems, and stories.

And classic romcoms.
Including Sleepless in Seattle
And Bollywood and K dramas..

But in my story
I dreamt of meeting
And marrying my dream lady
Traveled to Korea
Where she was waiting for me.

And despite opposition
From her family.

There was a happy ending
And we are still together
42 years later.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 24—Unexplored Desire

As one gets older
One often looks back
At all the things you did
In your life.

The good, the bad, and the ugly
And we all have those moments
Because we are human.

And some things you desired
But never pursued.

For me, it was a dream
Of becoming a famous writer
While I can write poems
And short stories,

My greatest desire
Was to write
The Great American Novel.

And sadly it will remain
An unfulfilled desire
As I don’t have the patience or energy .

To edit my six rough draft novels
Turning them into something publishable
And they may die when I die.

And I am in good company.

The rule of ten rule applies
Of one hundred people
Who want to write a novel
Less than ten percent finish it
Of those less than ten percent publish it
Of those less than ten percent make any money
Of those less than ten percent make a living
At writing their novels.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 25—TV series

One of my favorite shows as a child
Was the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.

Featuring Rocky the squirrel.
Bulwinkle the Moose
And associated bad guys.

Including Boris Badnioff
And Natasha Fatale
Vaguely Eastern European communists.

Rocky and Bullwinkle
Like the Simpsons, Futurama,
American Dad and Family Guy

Were children’s show
They were also quite subversive
Satire on modern life.

But Bulwinkle remains my favorite
Years ago I binged watched episodes

And remember every episode
Even though I had last seen them
Almost 50 years before.

Bing Co-Pilot provided useful background information

Certainly! The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, commonly referred to as simply Rocky and Bullwinkle, is an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters:
Rocket J. (“Rocky”) Squirrel: An anthropomorphic flying squirrel.
Bullwinkle J. Moose: A moose.
The main antagonists in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies:
Boris Badenov
Natasha Fatale
Both Boris and Natasha work for the Nazi-like dictator Fearless Leader. The show also features several supporting segments, including:
Dudley Do-Right: A parody of an old-time melodrama.
Peabody’s Improbable History: In this segment, a dog named Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman travel through time.
Fractured Fairy Tales: Classic fairy tales retold in comic fashion.
The series has left a lasting cultural impact and continues to be beloved by audiences. Although the current blanket title was imposed for home video releases more than 40 years after the series originally aired, the show was broadcast under different titles during its television run:
Rocky and His Friends (1959–1961)
The Bullwinkle Show (1961–1964)
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle) in syndication123.
If you’re interested in classic animated humor and clever satire, Rocky and Bullwinkle is definitely worth exploring! 🐿️🦌

Another interesting factoid the writers of the show were Berkeley High school students in the late 50’s when I was born.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems
April 26—Noise

Noisey Korea Now My Home Korea
Noisey Korea Now My Home Noise
Noisey Korea Now My Home Dew Drop Inn
Noisey Korea Now My Home Writing Com
Noisey Korea Now My Home April Poetry Prompts

Noisy Korea Now My Home

When I first came
To South Korea in 1979
To do my Peace Corps duty
In a rural country town,

I thought that the old name
Of Korea
“the land of the morning calm”
Was absurd.

Korea was a noisy place
From early morning on.

Cars, horns, radio TV blaring
People talking to crowds everywhere
At night people drink and dine.

And loudspeakers
 Blasting you awake
At 6 a.m.

And during elections
Sound trucks everywhere.

Now 45 years later
It is my home
No longer a noisy
Chaotic exotic place
Just home.      

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 27—Beauty

Korean Land of K Beuaties

I live in Korea
The land of plastic surgery
K beauty products.

Korean women are
Among the most beautiful
Woman in the world.

The cult of the beautiful
Everywhere you go
You see beautiful women
And men on the street,

And I realized I married
The most beautiful woman
In the world,

When I met and married
My Dream lady.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave Secrets
Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave State Department
Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave Dew Drop Inn
Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave Writing Com
Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave April Poems

April 28  Secrets

Diplomatic Secrets to Take to My Grave

I worked for 27 years
as a US diplomat
and witnessed a lot of things
that were and are considered

– and we are trained
to keep these secrets

and I will no doubt die
and take some secrets
to my grave.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 29—The sense of an ending…

End of Trump Reality TV Show?  Trump
End of Trump Reality TV Show? TV
End of Trump Reality TV Show? News
End of Trump Reality TV Show? Dew Drop Inn
End of Trump Reality TV Show? Writing Com
End of Trump Reality TV Show? April Poems
April 29—The sense of an ending… End of Trump Reality TV Show?

While watching the Trump trials
I sense an ending
To the Trump Reality TV show.

As he is revealed to be
What he is
Nothing but a charlatan
A con man, a grifter.

And he is not the King
Not a dictator, and not a genius,

He seems to be just a tired old man
Finally being held accountable.

For decades of alleged misconduct
Fraudulent business and political
Crimes including inciting a riot.

Stealing national secrets
And so many over.

Yet the polls show
He could become our next President

Perhaps I am seeing the end
Of democracy playing out
On my TV screen?

Dear God I pray
Make it all go way
Retire Trump from the game
take him now with you.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

April 30—Poem about poetry

Why Do I write
These poems every day?

Why do I spend so much time
Writing down these verses
That few will ever see?
Why do I bother?

The only answer is because
I must write daily
My inner muse compels me
And I have to write down
These mad thoughts.

And share them
With the world
Even if no one reads them
Other than my wife
And some of my friends.

I have no choice
That is what I am.

I am just a writer,
 And a mad poet
At heart.

You can find these and other of my April Poems on my blog page at the following links
April 1 to 6 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2P4
April 7 to 14 poems https://wp.me/p7nazo-2Qh
Https://wp.me/p7nazo-2QB April 15 -20 Poems

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So they both suck and both are corrupt.  The fact that you can condone a corrupt racist politician who is our president speaks volumes.    Also to quote you " Dear God I pray
Make it all go way
Retire Trump from the game
take him now with you"   What the heck is this?  Wishing God would let a man die?  . I am not voting for Trump and did not do so the last two times, but I am sure as heck not voting for Biden who is a corrupt individual that is not even actually running the country as he obviously has dementia.  Your rants are not poems by the way.  

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