Chaos Even the Odds
five poems
When Sam was a young lad, about six years old, he had a wild dream one day. The dream haunted him for years. He saw a beautiful woman staring at him. She was an angel with wings. She said she was the tooth fairy and gave him a dollar and took his child’s teeth out with her magic wand. She said that she had a surprise for him, a prediction.
She said,.
“When you are 18, you will meet the lady of your dreams in your dreams and eight years later you will meet her in person. That is your fate, Sam.”
Sam told his mom about the visit of the tooth fairy and her prophetic vision of the future.
His Mom said,
You know my Cherokee ancestors believed in the power of dreams. I am sure that will come true someday.”
The dream of the encounter with the tooth fairy faded away but when he was 18 years old, he had the dream that she foretold, and he recalled her prophecy.
Eight years later, she walked off a bus in South Korea. He recalled the dreams and the Tooth Fairy’s prophecy. He proposed to her a few days later, and they got married two months later.
He told her about the dreams, and she laughed and said,
“That’s a crazy story, but hey it could be true. Because I know that we knew each other in prior life. That’s why we met in this life.”
They laughed. And Sam continued to recall the dreams and continued to fall in love with his wife every day. But he never dreamt of the tooth fairy again.
Based loosely on my true story, except that I don’t recall dreaming about the tooth fairy, but dreaming about meeting my wife, that happened. And my mother was part Cherokee, her parents spoke Cherokee. She also believed in the power of dreams and were encouraging us to follow our dreams.
Write a story or poem inspired by this prompt:
8/22 is National Tooth Fairy Day!
Write about a tooth fairy and include these words:
Small Town Blues
Joe Lewis ran
A home office supply
In a small Southern
Nothing burger town,
In fly-over country
His customers
Were mostly local farmers.
Many of them were
Die-hard Trump supporters,
Who came to his store
To pick up
Home office supplies.
To fill their staplers.
And pick up
Other essential supplies
For their small businesses.
Stopping off for coffee
And lunch
With old friends.
Sometimes leaving
Their umbrellas open
To dry out.
As they shopped
They talk about
The issues of the day.
March 13 is "Fill Our Staplers" Day! 🥳 It's also National "Open An Umbrella Indoors Day." Who knew? So your prompt is to include both actions - filling a stapler and opening an umbrella indoors - in your story or poem.
Climate Chang Renga Poem
climate is changing
bad weather is everywhere
California burns
hurricanes howling
tornados and winter storms
climate deniers
saying it is all a hoax
monster storms abound
nature does not care at all
the climate deniers lie
Climate Change Grook Poem
climate changing
hot weather everywhere
followed by short brutal winter
Is this the end-of-the-world?
The life of a fraud officer
For eight years
I worked as a fraud officer
Combating visa and passport fraud
Back when I worked
As a US diplomat.
In Mumbai
There was so much fraud
But we often had no choice
But to hold our noise
And issue visas.
In Spain not as much
But still quite a bit.
I learned the hard way
So many people
Are con men and women.
Lying, cheating
To get what they want.
One learned to not take it personally
Just part of the job
Working in a broken down visa system.
Where if the client has a good lawyer
And the paperwork looked legit
They would prevail.
And so the constant games
The lies and deceit continued
To this day.
I became so cynical
About people
But detecting fraud
Was like playing detective.
Once in a while
We were able to deny
A visa.
When the fraudulent activity
Was too blatant to ignore.
What Do Trees Think of Us?
what do the trees think
About us human beings
Do they fear humans?
Evil Winds Haiku
evil winds blowing
California burning
Santa Anna Wind
Chaos Even the Odds
President Trump
the ultimate chaos
promoting political madness
the latest conspiracy theories on the right
q adjacent madness the new norm
as people become unhinged
political nonsense
The form is an even the odds poem created by Y.M. Roger (Yvette).
-The syllable count is 2-4-6-8-10-9-7-5-3-1. The first and last words are synonyms.
-It looks better centered.
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