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April WC Poems April 6 to 10 poems

April poetry madness continues - second set based on writing com daily prompts more to follow in the days to come!

April WC Poems April 6 to 10 poems

April 6—Beverage, libation, liquid…

in the morning
I drink a cup
of snarling hot coffee
while watching the news

in the afternoon
I shift to tea
either Earl Gray
or herbal tea

at sunset
I drink red wine
with my wife

as the evening
shifts into night
I drink rum
or whiskey
to eat the day

April 7—Figure something out in a poem

Why Trump?

For the last six years
I have been trying
To figure out

Why 40 percent
Of my fellow Americans
Still support Trump.

Still believe he was
The greatest President ever.

I  just don’t understand it
Trump is a racist, misogynist
Sexual predator rapist, narcissistic
Fraudster, con artist, grifter.

Who has lost billions
Of dollars over the years
Never pay his contractors
Or his lawyers.

Has been involved
In over 3,000 lawsuits
And lost most of them.

Who lied over 30,000 times
When he was President
And at least 10,000 times
Since then.

Including the big lie
That he won the last election
Both in the popular vote
And in the Electoral College vote.

Over 90 courts concluded
That there was not there there
And that he lost the election.

There was no widespread fraud
The election was fair and square
And he lost.

Trump is the poster child
For the seven deadly sins
And is not a Christian
Far from it.

Yet to his deluded followers
God anoints him
To destroy the enemies
Of the Christian faith.

Now a court has declared
That he defrauded the State
Of New York
To the tune of 450 million dollars.

He stole top-secret documents
Denied he had them
Refused to give them back
And openly talked about them.

With people not cleared
For secret and top-secret

He plotted to overturn
The election
And stay in power.

He openly promises
He will be a dictator
And round up millions
Of illegals, and political dissidents
When he is re-elected,

Why he is polling at 40 percent
And not 4 percent
Is beyond me.

The best I can conclude
Is he appeals to those who believe
The whole system is corrupt.

And is rigged against
Christian white Americans.

They feel that they have been
Royalty screwed over by
The masters of the universe.

Who see workers
As nothing but
Disposable labor units
Of production.

And they are right
And Trump for his faults
Speaks to the forgotten men
And women in fly-over country,

That is why he is still popular
And could be re-elected
And if he is re-elected
Can American Christian fascism
Be coming?

economic perception delay

April 8—Delay (any kind)

There is always a two to three-month delay
Between economic news
And people’s perception of the economy.

Most people feel the economy sucks
When in objective fact
The economy is doing just great.

I hope that
Biden will finally get credit
For the economy
In time for the election.

If he does, he wins,
If Americans falsely believe
the economy is in a free-falling
recession, believing Trumpian lies,
Biden will lose.

As people’s perceptions
On the economy
Get caught up
To the reality of the economy.

April 9—The animal world

Title: Death to All Humans

The Parliament of Animals
 met one day in a secret undisclosed location
as they were under constant surveillance
 by the human CIA
and others who wanted
to disrupt the parliament’s work.

the wise owl presided. He read the charges

“We are assembled here
 to judge the actions
of the human race.

the human race is being charged with
crimes against nature,
destruction of the environment,
 mass murder,
enslavement of animals,
mutilation of animals,
 and violation of Gaia’s basic commandments
to preserve the environment
 for all animals including humans.

Speaking for the prosecution
will be the Tiger and Lions,
speaking for the defense
will be the domestic cats and dogs

. We have in the room ten men and women
who are representative of the human race.

 The parliament can make any recommendation
to remedy the situation
 including the death penalty,
 exile, or reparations.

All animals will be required
to carry on these decrees,

“Okay, Mr. Tiger
first we will ask the
humans how they plead.” “

Humans. You have been charged
with the following crimes.

crimes against nature,
destruction of the environment,
 mass murder,
enslavement of animals,
mutilation of animals,
 and violation of Gaia’s basic commandments
to preserve the environment
 for all animals including humans.

 How do you plead?

Sam Adams,
the lawyer for the humans, responded,

 “Not guilty your honor
for these charges except for eating animals
 which we contend is part of the natural
order of the world
and many if not most of you
are guilty of the same charge.”

“Clarification – your basic argument
is that everyone eats animals,
so humans are not guilty

“ “Yes, that is correct, your honor.” “

Okay, Mr. Tiger, you’re opening.”

“Okay. The facts are clear.
For thousands of years
until the Industrial Revolution humans
had little mass impact
 on the overall environment.

 Ever since then all animals
have been impacted
and my species has been hunted
to near extinction for the greed of humans
 who have not eaten tiger meat.

The predator class,
including bears, coyotes, feral dogs,
lions, tigers,
and wolves have been fighting back
against the predation of humans,
but we are losing.

And if we don't do anything
within 10 years,
there won't be any tigers
 or other big predators
left in the wild.

And the natural order of things
 would be controlled by the evil,
 selfish humans who
don't give a damn
 about their fellow creatures.

Therefore, we are proposing
 that 95% of humans must be killed.
The remaining humans
 will be allowed to live as our slaves
It is only fair.

That is my request
to the parliament of animals.
Death to humans!”

The crowd rose and chanted “
Death to all humans”

 until the owl ruled
 that they must
not disrupt the proceedings.

The owl turned to the dog and cat
for their defense.

the dog responded, “

Humans and dogs have been partners,
for thousands of years,

and we know humans more than any of you.

 Humans are capable of great kindness,
and compassion

and we maintain
they are not fundamentally evil.

And then they can be redeemed
 through education

and through a Campaign
to reform human thought.

I think we should give humans
a second chance.”

 the owl motioned to the cat

“I concur with Brother Dog,  
Humans are okay
 and we like them

 they are our friends
, although they should be found
 not guilty because of insanity.”

The owl said he was ready for his verdict.

“Death to 95 percent of humans,
 and enslavement of the rest,
 but we will allow 50,000 to immigrate
to the Moon and Mars.

I will meet with the UN
to give them the decree.

Once that is published
all animals must rise up
 and kill all humans on sight.

 This suspends the parliament of animals.
 Death to all humans.”

The word went out
animals rose all over the world
 and the reign of human tyranny
ended within a year.              

April 10—The plant world

Green Trees Don’t Make It

I look out and see

The ugly green trees
Standing guard
in front of my house.

And I think to myself
Who owns the trees?
And what do they think of us?

Are we their friends?
Are we their enemies?
What do the trees think of us?

Do they silently watch us,
Spies to the celestial emperor?

I have pondered this question
Many a morning,

Who is the owner of these trees?
And why do they silently watch us?

I wonder if the trees don't hate us
And why they don't protest.

Every day as we drive back and forth
Emitting poison gases from our mechanical asses
Right into their unprotected faces.

And every night we eat our dinner
And then give the trees
Our polluted leftovers

And laugh as they silently die
From our acidic fallout
Constantly floating down on their skin.

Yes, I wonder about the trees
And the birds and the bees
And everyone else.

What are they thinking?
Are they plotting revenge?
Or are they merely there

Silently, watching, plotting,
Designing fiendish plots of revenge
Dreams of vast nuclear destruction.

Cosmic diseases wiping out everyone in the ass
Oh Yes, I wonder and dream and ponder
What is the meaning of those silent green trees?

Standing on the corner
Quietly condemning us
With their quiet tears, and falling leaves.

In the winter they stand
Naked and alone
Covered with ice-cold snow
As we drive by nice and warm.

And we don't care
As they stand out in the cold
Shivering, plotting
warm plans of cosmic revenge.

Is it too late for us
To become friends with the trees?

Or will the day come
When the trees will wake up
And gather together
All the other slaves of humanity.

I have a vision
One morning I will open the door
And see an army of wild things
Coming to arrest me
For crimes against nature.

And I will plead, I did not know
And they will laugh
and turn me all of my kind
Into silent tombs,

And we will stand out in the cold
Like the green trees
Plotting dreams of revenge
For ever and ever.

Until our day finally comes
And we can go out
and kill all the wild things
Perhaps we already have.


I am doing the April Poetry Month again each day I am writing four poems following prompts supplied by Writer's Digest, Writing Com, Poetry Super Highway, and NaNoWriMo I will post them daily here and on my blog the World According to Cosmos, Medium, Wattpad and Substack on the weekend. Today's poems are based on the Daily Writing com Dew Drop-in prompts. I will post more poems five at a time throughout the rest of the month and finish up in early May.  It is quite a challenge to keep it going but I am determined to complete this challenge, the sixth time I have done so.

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Hello Jake...

I appreciate your rant...

However, you seem to be needing some facts...

Facts are Truth...

Have you heard of Michaelah Montgomery?

You might want to hear what she has to say...

She explains the answers to your questions very well...

From this you're still in a Box without having done research...

There's close to 50 years of History with Biden...

It sounds like you don't really know about that...

Look around and listen to people...

People are listening and their checking facts...

I can tell you they're tired of being lied to...

You ask a lot of great questions even Teachers use Answer Sheets...

Thank you for sharing...



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