Awakening Day

Torn an shattered.
What this life has become.
Hated an battered.
Where is my fun.
Something went wrong.
I don't understand.
What a sad song.
Written in this hand.
Walking through life.
With chains behind.
Pain that cuts like a knife.
My path i must find.
Looking all around.
Arms reaching out.
Swatted on the ground.
As I here my heart shout.
I close my eyes to see.
As darkness falls.
What the world offers me.
As I hear his solemn calls.
A thought crosses my mind.
Dreams running wild.
A voice so soft and kind.
Innocent and pure as a child.
Now as darkness turns light.
As I open my hearts eye.
I look at the world with better sight.
Upon the cross his son did die.
Such a price paid.
For you and I.
As his love was laid.
From a fathers cry.
Worn an tattered.
My body had become.
Now Bright an shinning.
From the love of a son.
My path I have found.
To tell of his love.
To souls all around.
Come follow the white dove.
Unconditional,pure an sweet.
From high upon the cross.
He became heavens treat.
So no soul shall be a loss.
With only a phrase.
He ended the saddest of days.
In him I praise.
For my now better ways.
Life is the cost.
That we shall pay.
If you are lost.
And forget the way.
Jesus my salvation.
I open my heart.
To your revelation.
We never shall part.
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