"Become So Saved"

"The Holy Spirit,
can you hear it?
Does it sing out,
in all that you do?
Because with it,
you are on a shining journey,
led by what is true!
I wish in active addiction,
I had my heart open,
to It calling,
because It could've,
saved me from,
15 years of falling,
into a pit of slow suicided usage and despair,
as I gave up living,
and thought no one really cared,
but Jesus did,
and gave me His Grace and Mercy,
that's why I didn't transverse a hearse,
and gave me a new chance,
to get this right,
such a blessed second verse,
that I didn't deserve,
but His Love knows no bounds,
and I stand on my faith,
and will march,
a prayer warrior,
all the way to Heaven's Gate,
and try my very best,
to be selfless,
for my promise made,
with Jesus,
is a foundation,
securely fastened,
by what,
His Work for me entails,
and my obedience too,
that footing is laid,
and with my selfless giving,
it will help the remembering,
of the price,
Jesus so graciously paid,
for all of us,
to have a way,
to all become so saved."

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