Behind Sight

To miss, is to not forgetÂ
With a hint of regret
Combined with heartacheÂ
But not for the sake, of allowing time to pass..
-The healer of all wounds-
Mostly, like moving on still knowing you’re presently consumed by the pastÂ
Constant consciousness in misery is the dred of realityÂ
Living miserably in every sense Â
And, in a sense, I’ve been proactively self destructingÂ
Relapsing and rehashing memories
Trying to connect the dots between, what’s happening and our last interactionÂ
Since then, as time lapsesÂ
I’ve been catapulted deeper into the future
A few thoughts of “woulda, shoulda, coulda”
When pride fueled stubborn phrases, saying “I couldn’t”
Still torments my mental continents
So what’s to ensue down the lifelineÂ
Due to dubious actionsÂ
Fallacies and impulses Â
Overtly implicating my faults at blame
So implicitly I begin to question who I really am
Mirror on the wall “Who do I actually see?”
Is it honestly me?
Or a fractured façade of what use to be
Maybe never been
Have I ever seen myself; how and when?
Reconstructing an outdated facilityÂ
To re-facilitate the remodeled dwellingÂ
Housing thoughts, fragile to the feeling
Cringe emotion spilling through the cracks of an empty vessel
Went wrong on a path well laid
More narrow than straight
But well enough to walk in fulfillment of promises often made
Hopes, deemed dreams in foresight
But the foundation was more like
Shifty sands in hindsightÂ
Giving no real stride for footingÂ
Would I have even recognized the difference between hollowed grounds and sound cobblestone?
Crowned with rubies and goldÂ
To light the way down the yellow brick road
Clicking my heals against the cementÂ
“I wish”
Then reality calls
And fantasies fades
What’s there to reminisce of?
But to replay all that I missed in real time..
The arguments that scream ample warning signs
Tears that amplified, the severity
Here in the now
Knowing what I know, reflecting on who I use to beÂ
Seeing all..
Rear view is 2020
And as I pass, memories may appear closer Â
In the deepest recesses of my mind
I find solace and comfortÂ
Growth through struggle is not ideal
But effectiveÂ
To live is to assume the unexpected
Welcoming self-acceptanceÂ

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