Christmas Cards And Snow

Of the many Christmas customs,
All known and loved for years.
The one of sending Christmas cards,
Is the one that really cheers.
There's a certain sort of something,
That glows for many a day.
When you get a Christmas greeting,
From a friend who's far away.
You've always meant to keep in touch,
But time goes by so fast.
For suddenly you're amazed to find,
Yet another year has passed.
But the sight of familiar writing,
On the table in the hall.
Is better than a brand new shirt,
For that exotic New Year's ball.
When pictures of the children,
Grown awfully cute and sweet.
Tumble from the envelope,
Your joy is quite complete.
You wonder how you stayed away,
From friends who are so dear.
And vow to try to visit them,
Sometime this coming year.
The age-old Christmas greetings,
In attractive Christmas art.
Awakens thoughts you've always kept,
So deep within ones heart.
The glow spreads out to others,
As you take your pen in hand.
Sending a card to other friends,
All scattered across the land.
The pictures of a tiny babe,
Born in that manger low.
Bring closer to your soul,
His birth so many years ago.
And your spirit is refreshed,
Your mind and heart grow clean.
As you bow in humble homage,
To that sacred stable scene.
Then you place them in a basket,
Trimmed with ornaments or greens.
Even fasten them to ribbons,
To display the Christmas scenes.
But whatever way you show them,
They're like a friendly meeting.
Or a voice across the miles,
In a heart-felt Christmas greeting.
How silently the snow descends,
Like tiny angel wings.
And kisses lightly every branch,
So lovingly it clings.
It clothes the earth in radiance,
And a purity serene.
No spot can mar the perfect white,
Of God's own winter scene.
He shook the pillows out above,
Where heavenly heads find rest.
Sent the feathers gently down,
To find an earthly nest.
The flakes come thick and faster,
Now swirling to and thro.
I gaze entranced- it's wonderful!
To sit and watch the snow.
For Pauline and Bryan.
I wish you well and Merry Christmas to you both
and the loved ones around you.
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Aw Shaun...both beautiful works. I particularly love the snow one being a person who is completely entranced by the atmosphere of falling snow. I feel the magic of that write. And you have also captured the complete joy of receiving a Christmas card though I'm not sure it matters who it's from...even a final demand is most welcome in these days of online everything...nothing beats the clunk of a thing falling through the letterbox...a dying sound!! Brilliant work here x
Marion glad you like them and keep watching Snow for it's an oldie and I might add a few more verses to it before Christmas for two darned good people and I'd rather a card and not a bloody final demand anyday!!!
And it is SO true what you say about that reassuring clunk falling through a letterbox and a dying sound it is.
Stay poetry frosty good Marion and I've weathered my recent 6 week shitstorm and from Wednesday can make a real dent on catching up here.
See you on the poetry flipside and stay healthy and keep writing class my friend.
Hugs to you, Cymreig hugs that is, the best.x.
Wow what a great poem I just love it
A masterpiece just wonderful unbelievable wonderful Poem Well done great job great work
Greg thank you so much my friend for your kind and most generous comments. I am glad you enjoyed reading it and written for two wonderful generous people you could ever wish to meet.
Whose endearing qualities I see are found in your good self.
Will be back late tomorrow night and then Wednesday onwards also to catch up on yours, new and old and I forgot to say to you earlier and forgive me on that front, which is this... Merry Christmas to you Greg!
Merry christmas Shaun
Thanks Greg and Merry Christmas back at you.
And I know I mentioned Wednesday but if not too zonked tomorrow night will be visiting your poems , new and old, late Tuesday evening.
Take care Greg, stay safe and stay healthy my friend and see and read you soon.
Merry Christmas Shaun! two wonderful capture the emotions in words poems! You are one of my poet heroes for your talent and wisdom! all the best !...........................................................................Jim
Jim you honour me good sir and heads up I'm in your neighbourhood later tonight seeking new poetry pickings but only quality poetry baubles that truly shine.. for that's why I'll be in your neighbourhood.
Thanking you again for your more than kind words my friend and been out of the loop for nearly 6 weeks, but those unforgiving days are now left behind.
It's all about moving forward and being positive, just like your uplifting comments.
See you later Jim and respect to you my friend and also Merry Christmas to your good self and all your nearest and dearest loved ones around you.
Merry Christmas Shaun!
I pinned this, what a lovely write.
I just received today a X'mas card from my niece in Canada; my first this year.
My other friends and families send their wishes through Facebook, much faster and cheaper. Stamps are even more expensive than Christmas cards.
But, I'm still the old fashion one. I prefer a card. I keep them .
And Merry Christmas to you too Leah!
Thank you for your kind comments and it's good to hear that good wishes from those that matter, truly matter in life are keeping in touch.
A few words of comfort and support can go a long way these days and at this time of year nobody should be ignored or alone.
Or any time of year for that matter.
We all need the human touch be it through the internet, but I agree with your sentiments a card is much better and can be cherished in the old fashioned way by an old fashioned person.
Stay safe and stay healthy my friend and have a great Christmas shared with those around you. x.
I love em both ..
it is clear from the off that a whole lotta thought & love went into their making .. and between them, I get the first taste of Christmas .. like it used to be I mean ..
a cracking dose of much needed nostalgia Shaun in what sadly seems like an otherwise vacuum packed & tasteless December .. write on brother .................................................................................... Neville
Nev, thanking you kindly there squire and this comment simply proves I am this site's Late Reply Master.
Guess I'll have to pour you a mulled wine to make amends.
Or better still, simply pass you the bottle.
Thanks again Nev and a tad early here in flaming June, Merry Christmas!
Bless ya Shaun .. for a moment then, you had me going .. I thought I could hear an angel .. but on reflection, I guess it must have just been Carol, singing .. You'll maybe never guess, but I made that last bit up ..
Neville :)
It's not Christmas yet but these poems really make me "feel" it. Very Christmassy Well written x