Liefde is geven met open hand Liefde is delen met een warm hart Liefde is het laten van een...
Shake off your Flippers... Wipe the spill...
A little Cheer to begin this New Year...
I can't make you love me if you can't, don't, or won't Just like I shouldn't have fallen for you...
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True happiness lies in small acts and moments filled with love. We should create such gatherings in our...
Not theirs...
Not mine...
Not yours...
Anything will be...
Anything could...
Another time...
Another Circle...
Round and Round we go...
Someone's right......
Selling the VW was an absolute wrench .. A bit like selling the bolt hole in Bulgaria...
There's gifts waiting for a friend, neighbor...
She really loves the City she calls home......
Many people who are earning $100,000 a year are probably thinking how much they could benefit from someone...
Talking to a friend Always a relief
Simple joy of being heard
Does it make sense why we're being laughed at?
Something tells me not everyone is laughing......
when little is all you have you learn to live with that little you appreciate it...
We have had quite a day together haven't we?
Are you in the mood to Dance?
Is this what you...
Imagine a Dream come true...
I'm sure she's aware...
She's a many a dream...
If you appreciate the words and weird wonder of this wild woman, feel free to follow ANONYMOOSE at Substack...
Sitting there like that with your legs slightly parted and your lips tightly closed...
Thank you for your beautiful songs you sing...
You sing for us who aren't made with that......