Corona Virus Pandemic
Covid Nineteen

Corona viruses are too small to be seen
Cause a disease named Covid Nineteen
Spread all over the world lightning fast
To destroy the mankind from earth? so, aghast!
So tiny but so dreadful, invisible this foe
Formidable human power, it seems, not soÂ
To destroy these forever from this earth
So to survive, fight on to prove our worthÂ
No treatment, no medicine, no vaccine still
Invented by human brain, corona virus to dealÂ
Around three and half lakh people till to date
Suffering from Covid ’19, as if, strangulated to deathÂ
Creating distancing, isolation unmatched in history
So many patients, and deceased, how it spreads is a mystery
No religious last rites or condolences held
Human beings to Covid 19, handicapped and failed
“If enemy is invisible, hide yourself to save”
Scholar Chanakya rightly said, not to be brave
To come in contact, or at least keep a safe distance
From a person outside, hiding your face for instance
We will rise again defeating this unseen enemy
Science will be triumphant again, we will write our destiny
Waiting for the day when things become normal again
Coronavirus will be gone, we all will be happy, Amen!

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