It starts of quickly and subtle..
Ignoring the warning signs.
You've soon become a victim..
Red Flags scream between the lines!
Don't allow him to hurt you..
Please listen to what I say!
Leave now and be a Survivor..
This is not a game to play!
It's not you.. it never was!
There is nothing you can do.
He was broken from the start..
Don't let him break you too.
Find strength in those who love you..
You need to quickly get away!
Please don't be afraid to run!
And be very afraid to stay!
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I have heard and read many poems about abuse. Yours says such a lot. I like the short lines and the rhymes. And when you say "please listen to what I say" I am interpreting that to mean either an inner voice or what those who love you are saying.
The one line I identify with the most is "it's not you, it never was." How true is that.
Your end is abrupt but I think it needs to be that way.
I get the impression these words spilled out of you pretty quickly.
Thankyou Bernie for your lovely comment. And yes you are right, the words spilled out quickly. Took me all of 5 minutes to write. I just hope it helps women to find the courage to leave abusive relationships. It took me a long time to find myself again after years of domestic violence. Writing poetry is therapeutic for me and has helped me immensely.
You are welcome. Your title is perfect because it is exactly what you have shown. I agree completely about the therapeutic effects of writing poetry.
I too love the short bullet point lines which give thus write such power x