fake gods
Every day
There is another outrageous statement
From this preacher or that preacher
Saying that God spoke to them
And told them that Trump
Was anointed by God himself
And would bring us all to the promised land
Well I hate to bring it up
But felt that I must
If God exists
And is all powerful
Why would he waste his time
Talking to these idiot preachers?
And why would he anoint Trump
The most ungodly of all politicians
How do these preachers know
It is God calling
Or perhaps it is a fake God
I mean why not?
In this age of fake age, fake asses, fake angels, fake artists, fake booze, fake boobs, fake calls, fake card games, fake casinos, fake clothes, fake computer programs, fake computer games, fake coffee, fake devils, fake doctors, fake drugs, fake eyes, fake faces, fake falls during the world cup, fake fish, fake food, fake friends, fake Gods, fake games, fake hair, fake judges, fake lawyers, fake live celebrities on TV, fake legs, fake lotto tickets, fake hearts, fake languages, fake love, fake meat, fake minds, fake ministers, fake names, fake passes, fake players, fake people, fake pot, fake politicians, fake porn, fake photos, fake poets, fake priests, fake products, fake sex, fake songs, fake sports stars, fake movies, fake TV, fake teeth, fake vaginas, fake watches, fake writers, fake victims, fake videos, fake universities and fake well everything else
Why not a fake God
Pretending to be God
Just in it for the power,
the money
And the sweat love of the beautiful babes
That he has convinced
Has to sleep with him
As God has ordained it
Yeah I think that it is
God has been replaced
By a Fake God
Does the fake God speak to them?
And what does the fake God sound like?
How did the fake God talk to them?
On the phone? By email? By tweet
Or by visions or voices in their head?
Or are they just raving lunatics
Who think that the real nonexistent God
is calling them?
Not knowing or caring it is the fake God
On the cosmic hotline from the fake heaven
God, either the real deal
Or the Fake God
does not in my opinion
Talk to idiots
Too many things to do
Running this fake God scam
While the real God is either on vacation
Or is locked up in a cosmic dungeon somewhere
Or has been killed by the fake God
In league with the real Satan
Nor should God either the real God
or the Fake God
tolerate these fools any more
The Fake God does not send us hurricanes or tornados
To punish us
That is beneath his cosmic pay grade
And the real God
Has been cut off from his power sources
Locked away into cosmic dungeon
Without a phone, internet, or power outlet
The real God is God
and is mysterious
And if he speaks to us at all
We surely do not understand
Anything he says
As we have surely screwed up
The teachings of his prophets
And all we can hear
Is the voice of the fake God
The cosmic shyster
Who has been impersonating God
Perhaps for thousands of year
So I wish to end this by saying
Oh you false prophets
The real God is not calling you
And never has
But the fake god
That’s another story
But, please
Just SFTU already
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Hello Jake...
Isn't it strange that we can find Obama and Trump in the Bible?
People interpret what they will...
We know that...
We also know that we can see proof that God exists...
We can listen to those who say He doesn't with their theories and all...
He says test Him...
We can understand His Laws and Commandments if we choose too...
People say what's right and wrong even though many also have taken it out of text for their own benefit...
They have to save their soul...
Some people have experienced that they can't easily explain many are killed for their beliefs...
There are fake people there are false prophets we are told to beware...
For those who believe in God can be guided in their life it doesn't mean everything is going to work out best sometimes we have to learn...
For those who believe in God and His existence will probably understand that God was, God is, and God will still be here when everything has passed away...
As far as Trump bringing us to the Promised Land yeah right with these attitudes and actions please, even he would need a miracle...
Great write!
Great vent!
Thank you for sharing...