Farmer's Son

Little Danny Somers, was born a farmer's son,
His childhood was a mixture, sad times and there was fun,
He used to have a trike, it was his pride and joy,
He had an older sister, that he always used to annoy.
One day he was riding around, on his father's farm,
He rode apon the pavement, fell off and broke his arm,
He was one of those kids, that accidents would follow him,
When you'd often see him, he always had missing skin.
When he went to school, he was bullied by the other boys,
Always stealing his lunch, and would break his limited toys,
He'd often come home crying, his dad had had enough,
And pulled him out of school, to teach him other stuff.
Danny liked to tinker, he wondered how things worked,
He didn't like "that's the way things are", it would drive him berserk,
At the age of ten, his dad reached into his pocket,
And told his son to go to the shops, and get himself a toy rocket.
Every afternoon for years, he'd go out into the field,
And light the fuse and run away, the wooden fence was his shield,
As he got older, he learned about disasters years ago,
He wondered why the space shuttle, was fine then it would blow.
He learned about the technology, and what the rockets used for fuel,
His face looked puzzled, its basically a flying bomb not cool,
He knew if the shuttle made it, the boosters would detach,
Then spiral back down to the Earth, and in the ocean it would splash.
To get around the problem, he thought of the main reason,
The rockets had to create enough lift, the answer was just teasing,
It was fighting gravity, the thing that keeps us here,
He started working on a few things, he had a new idea.
By the age of twenty five, his mind was knowledgeable and full,
He designed a couple of engines, that actually used gravity's pull,
The engines were very crude, they were nothing all that fancy,
Instead of working against gravity, he would harness gravity's anti.
So from a kid who was accident prone, and bullied heaps at school,
He proved to them and everyone around that he was no one's fool,
He'd love to attend a reunion, just to see the look on their face,
When he tells them that he designed the engines, to safely travel to space.

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