Poem -

God wants the wounded souls

August 6th, 2024

God wants the wounded souls

I never intended for you to go through what you’ve been through in life.
But I allow evil things to happen.
That’s because you have a free will to choose whatever decisions and choices you want.
If you didn’t trust in Me.
If you didn’t gave Me permission to take control over your life,
who knows what the devil would try to do to you next?
I do.
I allow you to experience bad decisions based on your stubbornness or lack of understanding.
I know what’s best for my people, 
but giving up on their own understanding is hard.
Their mind is limited and im limitless.
I’ve already told you this.
So when logic screams no and I tell you yes - you go.
You walk on water and trust Me instead of yourself.
That’s courage and boldness.
And in your obedience to My word I will bless you exceedingly.

I created men and women with a free will, meaning I want each and everyone to choose Me. 
I want fellowship with those who wants and accepts Me, not merely those who had no choice in the first place.
I want people to have partnership with Me, not puppets that had no choice but to do My bidding.
I am love.
And love is not forced.
Love is something you freely give.
Love is something you freely receive.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is pain.
Love is suffering.

Right now you’re thinking what?!
Love is pain? 
Sorry to disappoint you My daughter, but love is not what you see in the movies or fairytales with happy endings.
Love is Me.
I loved you so unconditionally that I sacrificed My one and only son to take your place in exchange for your immortality.
There is a piece in My heart that only you can fill, My love.
That’s how much I love you.
My love for you goes beyond all logic,
all understanding,
and beyond all limits.
Love is sacrifice.
You put other needs before your own.
Just look at your children?
You sacrifice for them all the time.
You love them with all your heart and want what’s best for them.
You put your emotions,
your needs and your feelings to the side in order for them to feel protected, loved, cherished and safe.

I’m the definition of love, My precious daughter.
And you haven’t yet experienced being loved by the right partner for you.
You’ve experienced some of the lowers forms of love, My child.
Because of your fear of being rejected.
Because of your fear of being alone the rest of your life.
But also because you haven’t known your own worth and value.
You’re so precious and so rare to Me, My love!
You’ve thought that your efforts defined you.
You’ve thought that your bad behavior towards another human in the past allowed a new person to punish you for your sins.
You felt that you deserved their evil treatment.
You thought that after what you did - you earned it.
That you were garbage.
That you were worthless.
But I’m here to tell you: 
You couldn’t be more wrong!
I’m going to show you, your worth.
I’m going to feed you, with truths of yourself.
And I’m going to rebuild and restore your own self image of your true identity.
Once you know - you’ll never accept such treatment ever again.
And you will never give your heart away to someone who doesn’t understand your true value.

Jesus experienced pain.
He experienced hurt,
He was hated,
betrayed by His own.
He was misunderstood and He died for His enemies.
Would you die for your enemies? 
It’s unthinkable for your mind to even think such things.
But let Me make one thing very clear.
Jesus wanted to go through with this.
He chose to do this.
For you.
Why? You may ask.
Firsty because of love.
But also because of experience.
You see; I use people’s experiences with their permission off course to work for My kingdom.
I chose the wounded. 
I want soldiers in My army who allows Me to heal their wounds.
I use your wounds to give you wisdom but also to equip you by bringing light into the darkness of other people’s wounded souls.
Why? Cause being experienced is a benefit, My child.
Experience gives you something that nothing else can.
You learn by experience and you learn by My word.
It’s easy to talk about a surtan subject, but only experience makes what you say actually worth listening to.
Wounded souls needs empathy and the best person to give them that is someone who has been where they are now presently.  
Jesus needed experience.
He needed it, so that He truly could understand the pain people daily go through.
Yes, He suffered.
But He also gained experience. 

I’m good 
And I’ll use what the devil intended for you to cause harm and I work it out for the better. 
I work it out for the good of others who needs My help.
I use wounded people and I promote them into positions of great power and influence.
I have so many plans for you My daughter.
And I’ve seen and heard your desperate prayers.
Desperately you have cried out
“Use me Lord, for Your benefit to reach those who need You!”
You want to be My tool 
You want to be My disciple
You want to be more like Jesus, My child.
I’ve seen your heart.
I’ve seen your hunger.
Your desperation to enter your calling.
And don’t you worry My child - cause it will happen.
Where is only a question of time.
But it has to be in My timing.
I must restore you completely first - otherwise you won’t be to much help for the wounded.
And healing takes time.
Healing is painful cause in other for Me to remove the infection who causes festering and poisons your soul,
I have to open your old wounds.
I have to shed My light into your darkest rooms.
Once that is done, My love.
Once that is done - you’re ready to step into your true calling.
I love you so unconditionally,
and I want you to see yourself through My eyes .

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