Humanity and Humility

By 17 year old, Kira Rieck
Born into a randomized place on the map
Receiving no guided luck, but simply chance
Raised into a sustainable family
Experiencing the little pain of disagreements
Today is sunny with a chance of sprinkling rain
With damp wings, the birds will still sing
The path across the map diversifies
The sprinkling rain becomes a thundering storm
Receiving no guided luck, but simply chance
The kid’s horrid scream echoes after the realization
The bomb shortens the life of the mother
Rejoined in heaven with the company of the father
Today is cloudy with a chance of thunder
With drenched wings, the birds surrender
The path across the map diversifies
Leaving nothing but dry skies
Receiving no guided luck, but simply chance
The kid’s bones crack and crumble
Just as the kid fumbles to eat the last piece of bread
The striking heat spoils the rotting meat of the corpse
We’re all based on chance
What if chance can become change
What if governments showed humility and humanity
Serving the one God who can prove sanity
And allow the birds to live happily and sing

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