I’m not

I’m not putting up with you I’m simply being a good friend which is obviously something you’ve clearly never had before
Why do I think I’m something you’ve never had ?
I think this because your brains trauma responses to tell you that you’re in danger and that I’m doublecrossing you when in reality I’m just being me I will never dream of doublecrossing you
I’m not doing this for just me I’m doing this for both of us
Why am I doing this ?
I’m doing this to prove to you that true friendships do exist and that not everybody is in a friendship with you to destroy you and your trust because that’s something I would never dream of doing
I’m not going anywhere now or ever
Why am I not going anywhere?
Im not going anywhere for many reasons but the main one being your my best friend and intend for that to be a fact forever
I’m not going to hurt you
Why would I ever hurt you?
I’m not going to hurt you because I don’t hurt people intentionally, let alone those people in my life like you who mean the world to me
I’m not like everyone else you’ve had as friends previously
Why am I different?
I’m different because I’m liz and liz is special she is different to everyone else you’ve had as friends previously because once she cares about you she never stops especially you as you have a hand print on my heart

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liz is special
-- This says it all. Well done.
Had to feel good to get that all down on paper LIZZIE!!......VERY well expressed my friend.......ALL STARS!!......I hope the person you wrote this for....gets a chance to read it!!.......LOVE & ROCKETS!!.......T xo : )