Introduction of My Newly Bought Journal

I want the reader to know
As you read this
I seriously hope you have a pure eye for real talent
If you do
You can tell me whether I have it or not
If you don't
Stop reading
Because all you're gonna do is what everyone else does
Lie to me
Say I'm "talented" or "amazing" or "I have a gift"
And my mind will easily become poisoned by it
And I'll wish you everlasting hell for lying to me about it
Because I believed you for a while
And went off the edge
Believing I had supernatural verbal powers
That I could relieve people's pain
My words were a special kind of aspirin no brand ever even thought of
That reading or listening to ANY of my work
Could instantly make the hopeless hope again
Make those who feel worthless discover the value in themselves that was actually always there
Stop anyone in their suicidal tracks
Make them realize they aren't crash dummies
Inspire them on a level no one else could
You lie to me
Say I'm "talented" or "amazing" or "I have a gift"
Or anything else of that nature
And cause me to tell myself even greater lies
I'll die from reality
So since you contributed to that cause
It's only fair I drag you down to hell with me
Be real with me
And for those who've already lied to me
Be real with me next time.

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