Lies we wanted to believe
I stood at the gates
Guards in my way
When I peered throughÂ
She shined the darkness away
All I saw was a angel
Emanating lightÂ
Her wings outspread
Her hand outstretchedÂ
Her smile so intoxicatingÂ
You would become addictedÂ
The light she exuded is so blindingÂ
The light hid many things
All the lies I had been told
All the sadness I had endured
Along with the knife grasped within her palm
All I wanted was to end it all
To see the curtains call
To rise up to touch the gates
Without being returned home
The angel came closer
The knife in hand
Offering me a way
To make it all end
The light hid many things
Bloodlust in her eyes
For which the light had certainly faded
A contorted smile spread across her face
As my hand accepted her offer
The knife signed the contract
As my body laid lifelessÂ
Just another stain on the concrete
I saw the gates
Nothing like I had seen before
Twisted black ironÂ
Rusted to its seams
The angel came forth
A glass ball in hand
She showed me what she had taken
My soul
My being
She snatched the ball back
She was a demon
Stealing all whom she came across
The gates swung openÂ
As if they were open arms
The demon disappeared behind the gates
Taking all I had
One foot in front of the other
I too went through
To get what she had takenÂ
She promised me thisÂ
She promised me that
Now I’m hunting happiness
To get it all back
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