Life's Epic Journey...

We're all marked with the number of the beast...
This is only the cause and the effect to say the least...
There isn't ever really anything to try and fix...
Everything happens for a reason... Interconnected with the triple six...
Have no fear of the darkness my dear friend... Just because without it we can't see the light in the end...
Without pain there is no timeless pleasures to spend on a work in progress...
Those times in life matter in those moments of regress... Our open minds and hearts move forward to continuously evolve...
There isn't any problems in life's epic journey that we can't solve...
Nothing ever really matters or needs to change for the betterment of mankind...
Just because we're not entirely sane doesn't mean we have to lose our minds...
Forever will life's epic journey keep our feet planted on the ground...
Just because everything always comes back around...
To become level headed is to simply place the pieces of the puzzle together and stand on our own two feet without much effort ...
When we can confidently handle humiliation we can completely live in comfort...
We're fully completely alive when we're comfortable in our own skin...
Just because we're untouchable and tainted doesn't mean that we have to live in sin...
To be divine is to be free from the mind-trapping fear tactical espionage from the puppet master...
Each to our own selfless creation everything has an effective inner peace awaiting a beautiful disaster...
Time is always on our side even when the going gets tough...
When we've experienced wonderful moments of time we can't ever really get enough...
Time won't wait around for us to make life's epic journey happen... it's not ever really to late...
Each to their own time to make life's epic journey happen... We are prisoners of our own minds not of fate....
Fate is an illusion created by circumstances that left our abilities hindered in a mind-trap...
no one has any control over coincidences falling off the edge of the mind-map...
The words continuously flow off the edge of the pages...
Just because it all seems meaningless when we fear the centered stages...
Two sides with justified reasoning... one side wants economy to keep the money flowing freely without a rebel with a cause...
Many rebel factions fighting for the laws of nature... The law of attraction is the natural way of life turning out to be a stationary pause...
Why don't we allow both sides to maintain a balanced lifestyle living for each and every day...
think before you speak, speak when you are spoken to, do you even understand the words I will always say...
A wall to keep us in or a wall to keep the enemy out, when out of sight they're out of mind... Therefore we don't have to deal with the atmospheric pressure...
Why can't we be free to make a living in our own adventure...
It's our own interpersonal life's epic journey experiencing multi-culture...
Why are we justifying our wrongful action when economy must thrive...
at the same Time we must respect the laws of nature, be plentiful for us to have continuously evolving strive...
There is justice for all in a socially unjust world, over time becoming dim...
There is only a fraction of all who battle for lost lovers out on a whim...
No direction to follow when authority is a threat... We all need guidance to make it through the hellish grim...
What if all the graveyards were all out of empty spaces of time to fulfill...
We can live in a world that is broken or we can become an intertwined woven gift of free-will...
A rememberance of how war-hating soldiers keep sacrificing their lives for our freedom...
This is the world that we live in, this is our defence mechanism for the world's kingdom...
I look into the future as time goes by, be open with the world... dont live a lie...
Just because there is nothing to fear when the world can be our own worst enemy or an uplifting spiritual guide...
the fortress will keep the strong within and won't allow the weaknesses to get inside...
Wherever we look we are seeking inspirational life experience...
Seek and ye shall find something new that'll catch the eye and start making sense...
Walking through this mind expanding the cerebral cortex..
A still velocity vortex of adventure through life's epic journey of continuously being complex...
We either fight in an epic battle of the mind and heart to keep a strong faith that can't falter...
Over time off and on I've contimplated kneeling before the alter...
Still in time I boastfully stand on the temple with arms crossed in constant conflict resolution... I often wonder about the end of time...
I always try to come up with some sort of possible reasoning to continuously live care-free with a possible solution... I often wander around aimlessly through space and time...
We all stand for what we believe is righteous in our own hearts and minds,with our own interpersonal life-choice...
Why be a past-tense echo from the distance, when we can be hope future with a continuously freely spoken voice...
We can choose to fight the good fight for whatever we interpersonally know in our heart is the right of passage since birth...
We can defy gravity for a short little while by flying away, one day we all have to come back down to earth....
We can boldly go to places where the mind shouldn't ever really go...
All this time we've gave life's epic journey all or nothing against the natural flow...
The war-hating soldiers have selflessly made their lives the ultimate surreal sacrifice...
There is always someone in our lives worth paying the soulful price...
Time and time again lost lovers move on to the next best thing again and again in a bad state of mind...
The world doesn't owe us anything at all... we owe it to ourselves to become the betterment of mankind...
Love and love again until you get it right, recovering from every built up layer of truth....
Why do we seem to hold on to something broken when we shall not frightened to tell the truth...
We can be free to make a promise that isn't going to break the hearts who need to know the truth...
Walking in stride soul-searching for miss-right to come along like a Godsend...
just because I walk the line between faith and reason doesn't mean my wings can't mend...
As time goes onward bound, Everything is becoming the very essence of time fulflling the empty space...
Faith and reason are becoming ever-changing, soulful and thoughtful within a selfless human-race...
In a world as one unified inner peace is something each and every individual can embark upon in life's epic journey...
We're all one love no matter what we believe in when we feel at home, we're here to stay...
We all argue about the same thing catch-phrasing in a different way...
No matter what has happened in life's epic journey there is no one left to blame...
Life goes onward bound throughout hardships no one said life is easy, no one said life is a fair game...
We can believe whatever we want to believe as long as we always open our minds to continue to yearn... to find our own way...
Be civil about your losses and accept the fact of the matter that there is always something new to learn... Each and every single day...
Why do we fall apart for a beautiful bright eyed gazing stare...
Life's epic journey is coming out of the darkness becoming more consciously aware...
Everyone faces their own hellish nightmare to become more awakened...
No matter what happens in life's epic journey we will not be forsakened...
There is always a time when we feel like giving up on the sole-purpose of life's epic journey...
The only way to make it through hell is to push straight through without post-traumatic stress...
The meaning of life is from a faithful glimpse of hope from somewhere out there in the nothingness...
There is always thatthat glimpse of hope that brings the universe together as one united stronghold...
A force of nature that can't be reckoned with as the endless story begins to unfold...
Two sides with the law of attraction winning the battle every time around the bend...
No matter what happens if you're righteous by your words your actions will speak louder... Therefore it'll all work out in the end...
We're interconnecting each other's lives together as one world united from the inner strength of the great-divine...
What if both sides came to a mutual agreement to disagree with each others interpersonal outshine...
just because we all live our own lives with interconnected empathy...
We're hoping for the best possible scenario without anyone's sympathy...
Some of us are just a sucker for punishment... Some used, some abused...
Some hold back all expression until it explosively comes out to vent...
racing with the essence of time as I know it now and evermore...
letting it all out to clear our heads in a spacial meditative mind with an open door...
A relentless release of built up aggressive in-depth emotion...
It's been a long time coming and the essence of time continuously stays in constant repetitive circular motion...
Everything doesn't have to be working against us... We can possibly make the universe work for us with a continuous stream...
Its up to me to make it happen but we all need supportive people in our lives in order to live the dream...
It takes something created from nothing to create a masterful epic life's journey...
Nothing can stop us from attaining progress toward our goals...
it all starts with an idea... Anything is possible when you put your mind to it and reach out from the distance to humble each other's souls...
The mind is energy circuits with a small fraction suffering from a major malfunction disconnection...
The dream is all ours for the taking, history in the making... A contstantly continuing fear of a reluctant rejection...
I won't ever really take no for an answer when true love is everything that ever really existed...
For without love we're nothing but another lost soul black-listed...
Splitting souls in two when we are one soul that didn't ever really come together in a fallen Kings wrath...
The law of attraction has lead me down a self-destructive path...
I'm not going to fall apart for no reason at all anymore...
I went along for one hell of a free-ride through a vicious cycle of trying to be better than before...
Develop the greatness to stand for the world as one love, even though the world may sometimes be cruel...
All my wisdom I've gained over he years speaks of forgiving and letting go, I admit that I've been a fool...
A complicated fool who missed out on connections and opportunities dwelling on the one who got away...
She gave up on me, therefore I give up on her but there is no way in hell I'll ever give up on myself...
I'm selflessly overlooking everything with fine detail, reading the fine print carefully and I don't like what I see...
Signing my life away can't be the only way for me to be all I can be...
Filling in the blank pages of the big-picture I will continue to paint...
People are offended by the state of the obvious timelessly quoted self-discovery, portraying an imperfect phycological saint...
These ancient philosophies have either been analaliticaly explained thoroly in this time or have been blotted out of existence getting revoked...
Yet we all have advice worth taking to gain wealth with a priceless self-worth, I'm still continuing to live on the edge being constantly conflictive provoked...
Life's epic journey starts with self-love and complete inner strength with resilience...
If the world brings you down bounce back up in the line of your self-defence...
We connect to each other's lives together as one world united with the inner strength of the divine...
A complete inspection is the only way we know how to live the dream without some sort of superficial sign...
In life's epic journey it's all about a divine perspective...
The way we perceive the world is the way we live our lives... Each to their own introspective...
We either see the world as the enemy or we realize we are our own worst enemy...
Each to their own interpersonal defence mechanism to keep us safe and secure...
Life's epic journey can either work for us our against us...
love is never going to cause suffering unless we allow our thoughts to stay unpure...
We take from the world what we put out into the world interpersonal self-reflection...
e can be the possitive vibe who will heal this broken world or we can be the negative downward spiral causing a vicious cycle gone viral... Hatred is a air-bourne contagious infection...
We live to learn as we go along the path on life's epic journey...
Before we can rise above our trials and tribulations we must accept that we all must fall...
In order to gracefully get back on our feet with inner strength walking with the rest of the world opening the gate through every wall...
We all can live without a fear-tactical espionage of a rebellion lost cause...
Just because we battle evil, to the evil doers they're just doing what they need to do to survive in a world who has been cruel from the start...
Forgive and let the hatred disappear off into the distance... Let the heartfelt pain become left behind...
Be complete within yourself because worldly things can't fulfil the emptiness of mankind....
The next best thing in life's epic journey is a breakthrough of self-realization of a balanced lifestyle...
if all else fails look on the bright side of life's epic journey and go the extra mile...
In life's epic journey for self-love and attaining peace of mind we are souls who are gifted...
Know that no one is better than anyone else in this broken world when we all need time to be uplifted... We are in an epic battle of self-discovery without ever becoming something we're not...
Being like someone else is a waste of the person we are... what will make us or break us, starts with giving the world all we've got...
A selfless creation of a mindful of soulful wandering around aimlessly wondering about a processing circuitry of thorough thought...
Carefully cautious taking one step at a time; there is nothing to fear in this broken world of self-doubt...
The only person that can destroy you is yourself... I've done my time and I want out...
Just because time is the essence of everything... Love is everything that creates a hero...
Dieing for the cause with a wholesome effect... without love we're nothing more than a reject
reject and a zero... Be a one embarking on your own life's epic journey...
The natural way of life's epic journey is to show empathetic emotion in a surreal societal normality...
No sympathetically feeling sorry for another lost soul with the rights for a formality...
We all have a sacred birthright of passage to the other side in life's epic journey...
This world needs a little chaos along the way to create order...
Why does the freedom of a unified world have to stop with a hunch of suspicion at the border...
We all walk through our own egotistical uprising, what goes up must come down, what comes around goes around...
We all must come to a point of no return where we're level headed with our feet planted on the ground...
Come out from underneath the crumbling foundation and open your hearts to new connections...
Everyone is taking time for in-depth monotonous introspections...
Open your minds to unlimited selfless creation of unlimited possibilities for potential to be a salvation from the clutches of fear.....
Our universal energy is inevitably breaking the tattered chains of another fate drawing near...
Uplift the spirits with inner peace to walk with the rest of the world being at one with the universe...
We all have the same emotions and life will always get better before it gets worse... Unless we maintain a righteous flow in life's epic journey...

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