Poem -

The Lost Boy

The Lost Boy

Face against metal to better your view
Links in a chain was the window you knew
To be neglected and left in a cage
Given no love only pencil and page

To write a heartfelt questioning plea
God will anyone come to see me?
Missing his birth mom so very much
In need of a hug and a human touch

Dear Christian I have a secret to share
I too was caged and caught in a snare
Catch and release was their game of choice
I begged to be saved ’til I lost my voice

I didn’t always stay behind bars
I did get released to see the stars
I didn’t lay in an unmarked grave
Two years too late to be physically saved

I need you to hear my words and believe
Strangers now love you and deeply grieve
For you were a brave and decent kid
You’ve done nothing to merit what they did

Sometimes children think they’re to blame
For fighting, divorce or family shame
Believing if they were a good boy or girl
All would be well with peace in their world

Now that I’m free and have my own home
I’ve even been gifted a child of my own
I know now it’s a parents job to protect
To nurture and feed, treasure and respect

There’s one more thing I want to make clear
You’ll never again experience fear
Safely tucked in the bosom of the One
Who knows you by heart, Who sets the sun

To all creatures great and small He has given
A promise of life on earth and in heaven
You’re already there to answer his call
A world where hurt will ne’er befall

You are not alone my brother in arms
In the safest place where no one can harm
Until we can meet without cages and chains
I’ll carry this torch, you did not die in vain


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Maddison Law

My dear friend Jenny. I have goosebumps. A very special dedicated poem for a special little boy. It was heart felt and I understand the raw emotion that you portrayed. My thoughts are with you Jenny.
Love and hugs

Jenny Good

Maddison <3 Thank you, again for your golden heart and empathetic reply.

Tina Moore

Beautiful heart-rending piece Jenny -would expect no less from you...always with a thought for someone in who is going or gone through a lot that most of us don't. well written...   Tina x  

Jenny Good

Tina~thank you so very much my friend!

Mark Pearson

Jenny, i can only just see these buttons for tears,  a remarkable heart breaking  work of art with words. Just outstanding. High5 it could not be anything else.
Regards Mark.
PS Thank you for sharing  this journey. x


Jenny Good

Mark, I truly appreciate your empathy and concern on this subject, and thanks too for the kind comments about my writing.....savoring that high 5!

Jimmy Arnold

Dearest Jenny,

All i can say but mean from the depths of my heart, is lady you spoke, the words and heart, that this little guy lost, when his freedom and innocent was taken, from a life that, at one point in time, he once loved and  was very briefly and truly able to have called his own. Just as Maddison has conveyed, the goose bumps that now rest where my skin once occupied, are large and continuous...Just as Cherie has spoken a literary presentation that should have broke the hearts of all, that have been given it, to read and understand the cruelties of this world by some, on so many, as Merrill has conveyed you felt every word of this poem and with it you truly felt the sorrow and hurt in the heart and voice, throughout the presentation by the presenter,(you dear lady).You spoke this as though you were right there with this child, trying your hardest to convince him to stay strong, when there was no strength left of him to be given and your attempts to ensure him and convince him to know, that hope was on the way, knowing wholeheartedly and broken heartedly, that hope was an exit well missed and now,beyond return, leaving it now, just a word utilized, to give means, to a newfound patience, yet you held onto the same wish for hope for this child, just as the child, himself did. Not only the hurt you felt for this child was displayed,(as it well should have been), the anger you felt was as well,(just as it too, should have been)..You gave this little guy, the voice, that wasn't to be heard, from his captivity and it angers us all, to know this happens many times a day, no matter what creed, age of, are from what country and it is sad to know, that we have sickos out there, that thrive on hurting kids, such as in this wonderful, yet sadden to the heart poem and as Mark has stated, it brings tears to your eyes to read of such atrocities to the most innocence of our society, our kids........ This write is beyond the number(5) and the value placed on this poem, is one of priceless value......Although i give you (5) stars and my vote, their meaning is truly infinite.... A poem of one of my favorites, as to the author.....And to add if this as well, was one of your faced tragedies in life, i am truly sorry that you had to experience it but i am glad to know that you are as strong as you are, to talk about it and for others ,that have been faced with it...You are strong lady with an even stronger compassionate heart..... 

Kindest of all regards,

Jim Arnold   

Jenny Good

Jim, I think your exquisite words in these comments trump the poem! Beautiful heartfelt lament over this tragic situation, and I treasure every word. Christian's story hit home for me because my own childhood. Taught fear and forced in double bind situations and programmed behavior in a sophisticated secret society/cult. I was regularly caged, exploited sexually in child pornography, and handed over to the highest bidder, completely at their mercy. I am working hard to move away from and beyond the past. One resource that has empowered me is my voice, and the courage to speak candidly of my experience. thank you for your encouraging support of my writing and my situation as I attempt to not only survive the experience, but one day thrive!

Jimmy Arnold

Wow Jenny, 

There goes those goose bumps once again and for you, my hat comes off (10) fold and owe how, it makes us all mad, to know that someone was treated in such a manner and it makes you wish you were a fly on the for wall, just to be able to metamorphosis, for that one brief moment to release all the anger that can be mustered, on the person, doing the assaulting and i would (not), have one regret in the world, for what actions i would have taken upon him. I am so sorry for what you was faced with in this and no one truly can understand how scary your situation was, without experiencing it themselves but you do, have many wishing they could have been there to prevent it, for you as well as for this child, for whom you have given a voice and i am one of those,(wishing) i could have been there. You are a miraculous lady, to have been able to place something like this behind you and then being able to talk about it, so strongly and open in the manner in which you have and still do...(No) compliment nor comment in the world, can overshadow you, what you have been through and what you have said, on the behalf of this young child...Lady you are a heroine and beyond, even though you were not seeking praise.....We on this site is extremely proud of you and what you stand for.....For you i am inspired and thankful for on this site...  




Jenny Good,

Great job, My vote and My nomination

You are not alone my brother in arms
In the safest place where no one can harm
Until we can meet without cages and chains
I’ll carry this torch, you did not die in vain

Regards & Love


Jenny Good

Williamsji, I'm honored that you have suggested this for nomination! Thank you so very much for your beautiful heartfelt words and your vote!


Dear Jenny Good,

My poetry treat for you dear 

You are true to yourself; too good, my dear sister;

 In nurturing poems, love, passion lyrics to thy mister;

until we can write without fears and break the chain;

I shall enlighten you with this light flame, never a pain!


Love, Regards


Jenny Good

Williamsji: you are master at wielding words with your pen
To reach out to fellow women and men
      But not as a weapon these thoughts that you write
But it's love, respect and peace you incite
         Thank you for all the support that you lend
Our fellow Cosmanian, poet and friend!

Jimmy Arnold

By the way Jenny, Tina stated it better than any and borrowing from her text:" Beautiful heart-rending piece," "Jenny  we would expect no less from you...always with a thought, for someone, who is going or have gone, through a lot, that most of us don't.... Are have not!! and still have the ability, to adapt well, with the conclusive decision, (left to and for us), in our everyday, way of life".....

Well written...  

Tina x Jim 

Jenny Good

Awww, Jim, I'm truly touched by your sincerity and fellow feeling, for Christian, for me, for everyone suffering, your large and sensitive heart shines brightly. Everything you write sounds lyrical and inspiring, and it's a pleasure to receive such comments~ thank you again!

Georgina Richardson

I agree with everyone on here. This is a beautiful piece about a truly dreadfull crime. My heart goes out to both the little boy and yourself. You are an amazing lady and so strong to not only survive all that but you have come out the other end even stronger, more loving and more compassionate to others who are in the same situation. You truly are an inspiration and a very beautiful soul. I have studied forensic criminal psychology for years and in particular child abuse, perpetrators, and their many victims. I am still newly shocked with each case I have studied. Just when you think you`ve seen and heard the worst, there still comes more and more unbelievably heinous cruelty at the hands of these monsters. My thoughts and my prayers go out to you sweety. God has given you the talent of writing in order that you can carry on his work by telling people about this horrible evil and giving precious help, love, support and also giving a voice to those poor little mites that are suffering so much pain and who can`t speak up for themselves. I am a mother of 6 and grandmother of 11 and like Jim I too wouldn`t regret the actions I took on meeting up with one of those monsters. The law needs to get a grip and give these evil people what they deserve and that is to be locked up for the rest of their days, they should never be allowed to rejoin society ever again. I am truly honoured to have found you on here and I`m sending you much love sweety. Stay as strong and as beautiful as you are. Love George xx

Jenny Good

George, Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your nurturing response! Your comments mean so very much, you have no idea. Thank you, thank you thank you!

Georgina Richardson

You are very welcome sweety and if you would like to offload any time, I`m here for you when ever you need someone to listen to you. Don`t be affraid to ask, just send me a private message. I hope you are well sweety and stay safe. Love George xx

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