Poem -

My Brother

My Brother

Oftentimes we don’t laud loved ones
Then when they die, we write beautiful tributes
We eulogize them, saying lovely things about them 
We don’t even know if they can read or hear from the other side
We hope they do, but how do we know what they think?
How do our write or talk affects them? How do they feel?

I have decided to do it in a different way
I’m writing to you my little brother
Even though you are alive
I want to see your reaction when you read this
I want you to believe every word I have penned down
As they are from my heart

I was barely seven when you came to this world
Though l was very young but I knew there was something special about you
I would always want to be close to you and I started playing mother to you 
I would struggle to carry you even though you were heavy
I made you fall once and got a good lashing from mum

Looking at you over the years,
I imagined God knew He’d take dad real early
And so He gave you to us as a gift to comfort us
You’re are his exact image both physically and in character
You are the most selfless person I’ve ever known
You live for others and put smile and people’s face
You are very generous and can give out your last penny
You are very kind and can go through hell for others to be happy

I’ve watched you grown into a man and I thank God for you
I pray you become great in life as I’m already seeing greatness in you
I pray you live long and be that role model you’ve always being
I pray you find that woman that would complement you
A woman that would build you up in every aspect
A woman who would love you whole heartedly

Thanks for being you….I love you to the moon and back!


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Deborah Evans

Hi  Rose A  lovely tribute write for your brother
I bet he will be over the moon to read your sweet words 
I love to read poems on this topic Friends  and Family 
as i choose it when i was AOM in July,
For me family is everything The constant love in our lives 
A beautiful loving write 
Lots of love Debs 

Rose Sho

Hi Debs...you bet he is...He is thrilled and would show all his friends..(lol)...

No matter what happens to us good or bad...we sure know our friends and family got our back...Family is indeed everything

I don't even know how the AOM thing works on Cosmo as I joined in August...

Thanks Debs for your support all the way...I really appreciate

Lots of love...Rose

Rose Sho

Thanks Sweet Poetess....I appreciate


Hello Sweet Rose...

Beautiful poem to your brother...

Thank you for sharing...

Lots of love 



Rose Sho

Sweet Sparrowsong...It's always a pleasure to have you by my page....Thanks for always being there...I appreciate


Paula Lee Perry

Beautiful tribute to your brother! He is surely pleased. I agree with you 100% on letting our precious loved ones and friends know how we feel while they are here. I had that concept....truth instilled in me while quite young by my father. I have been blessed to have...so far..... always been able to celebrate such love while my dear ones are here. I hurt deeply for those who haven't or for reasons unknown to me....did not.

I do believe our loved ones in Heaven gets our messages! God says to ask and we shall receive.....through faith. We must believe! I am thankful for tributes afterwards too, in that they may lead another soul into a fold of love and comfort, which is most desired at such a time when death invades upon a family.

I can tell by your writing you have a beautiful heart.......and your writing is filled with a pure heart's touch on this poem! I loved reading your words penned for this special man in your life. Have a blessed weekend Rose! Thank you for such a soulful reminder of how to treat others.

Rose Sho

Hey Paula...Thanks for agreeing with me...I too believe they read our messages but how do we know how feel, think and react?...It was gratifying to see my lil bro's reaction and it was worth it.....your words are very sweet....they made me smile....Thank you very much....you have a blessed weekend too

Jimmy Arnold


Words sure to be read by your brother and i am sure by he, (understood) why they were written.....Because of the love lost, in the departure of your dad and that which was gained, when in his place, he gave in his remembrance your loving brother....A sister he can and should be easily able to say, was a role model then and to this day, continue to carry that gauntlet.... So my friend, you have given him someone to look up to,(for more reasons then one), judging from your readings and my conversations with you....You dear friend, have a pedestal with your name on it, (in his heart),as well as in ours.....You are a very special person and never will there, be a moment where you will have to say,"i wish i would have spoken my(whole), heart back then, before it became (broken) right now".......Job well done my dear friend.....jim 

Rose Sho

Thanks so much Jim.... Your words are always kind and encouraging....I really appreciate

Lots of love

Larry Ran

Hi Sweet Rose,

"Yes" said she.  "I am my Brother's keeper".  He brings me pure joy.  He was God's gift to me, so that I might be better prepared by my beloved Fathers early departure.  He is a kind, gentle, giving soul, and I pray he soon finds his other half, a woman who will devote herself to him, as he will to her.  I love you Dear little Brother.

Hugs, Peace and Love,

xox Larry

Rose Sho

Hi Sweet Larry....Thanks so much....I really appreciate this

Lots of love

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