"My Friends & I!"

"It is my honorable duty,
to praise The Beauty,
in God's Grand Design,
and when I see,
an admirable trait,
in my fellow humans,
I must remark upon it,
when I see it,
and if they do not think it true,
I'll help them believe it!
Nurturing strengths,
and forgiving weaknesses,
tighten the bonds,
of my friends and I,
so trust and respect,
can be attained,
for we are all spiritual soldiers,
for The Good Fight,
and shoulder each other's pains.
I remember in active addiction,
I sought to be alone,
as a monster,
I saw myself,
in my horrid affliction,
but just because,
you did wrong,
for so long,
doesn't mean you can't,
right in this moment,
dust yourself off and stand,
for Christ and All His Glory,
to become a truly good man,
or woman,
for all the world to see,
how His Saving Grace,
has broken those chains free.
So will you join Jesus and I,
in the righteous attempt to try,
to help the spiritually dead,
begin to live,
their lives for Him instead?
Help them see their wings,
to fly,
for if Your Hope,
be in Jesus,
then it will never die!"

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