Non Fiction

Some speak down
I speak up
With hopes to lift up
Everyone that hears the tone and
Of every word that I quiver
"Black Lives Matter"
But the facts of the matter are very distinguishable
Look at the stats
What's the value of a black life to another black?
The brutality is rampant in our community
How is this reality not march worthy by society?
Sadly, it's obvious to see
The agenda driven, manipulated slanted stats given
Are proven to keep us pitted against one another
I call you my brother
Because you're my "brotha"
But the look his eye resembles murder, "murda"
I hear the chants
I see the unrest
The imagery is disturbing
A twisted narrative
Narrated to rewrite the pages of history
Blissfully the mob catapults
Its ignorance
They fight stereotypes with the type of bias
That side steps reality
What's the basis?
"Black Lives Matter"
Said the rioter
Revolting against the the small business
Owned by minorities
The same minority that's suppose to take priority
But prior the mass gathering of the hords
Hard work and blood built the community's establishments
Only to have fire ravage it
Killing the dreams of multi generations
To have what be established?
Chaos does not breed peace
"Injustice" is not corrected by distress
Less we are lesser beings?
Be that as it may
We become subject to jungle rule
Darwinism presents no right or left
Wrong or right
Just the plight of idle survival
Then what is left?
"No justice no peace" ?
What is justice in the eyes of a turbulent brigade...
Made to congregate in the name of
Revenge for the purpose of what?
"Black Lives Matter"
But the facts of the matter are very distinguishable
What are the real issues?
"I too have a dream....."
I too... I too
And truth be told
I too favor the bold
Then hope success bestows it's blessing
Leading to the lessenings of hate
Just for the sake of....
Avoiding the pitfall
Ending the destruction
So YOU can SEE the ME IN YOU
And vice versa
And congruently the communities becomes
The Community
Commune and be in unity
Black, white and other equally
Under God....
True indeed

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