Play to the Crowd
I plan to write a work that has no rhyme
No punctuation
Makes no sense
But with big words yet not pretentious…
And rambles on and on with no real thread
And messes up the readers head…oops sorry
A little rhyme crept in so best chuck in a modern twist
And talk ‘young person’
‘ to a party and it was lit-“ "Im down in the DM with ma squad!"
Right ‘young talk’ done now what’s left to do?
I guess it’s having words not spelt ‘cause poetry’s about heartfelt –yeah.. right?
so- no need for care with stupid grammar ..sorry grama
ill rite abowt how I feels sad and nobodie cares no more never..
good write! …job done..sorted !
all the perfect elements to ensure this poem will defo
be lauded!!!…hang on- hang on …no sex or psycho stuff..
hmm..ok ‘ I wanna make it wiv your bruvver..( that should do!)
no wait ‘I wanna grope yor bruvver then kill him cause he used to beat me as a child ’
that’s better …much better…
Perfect stuff..everything that seems to count..
now sit back and wait for all the stars and likes……
this was so easy…..why bother with anything else?- play to the crowd.
Shite…forgot the big words!!!
not the norm guys but something totally different.....for a change..
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It IS different but I like it! rock on sister!!
Thanks Steviec not my usual write but hey ho we should all try something new sometimes!!! xx
Hello Lodigiana...
Humor and different is not a bad combination...
Fun write!
Thank you for sharing...
this is 'lit' lodigiana, money! I be trippin on yo idioms, gerlfrend, lol....and now back to our regularly scheduled comment; your poem is righteous, creative and funny, u go girl! my comment may be lame, but lodigiana knows 'the game', cheers poet...bye the way, this poem is waaaay cool D
I am having a fit of the giggles Christopher ma man! Cool comments from a supercool inker..thanks so much poet brother!! xxx
My Dear Lodigiana,
Yo! Yo! Yo!
Lookin' good Mama poet
Got yo shit together
I'm groovin' on yo little words
Me likin' what they say
Promise dis won't be your last
And yo write anutha one today
Larry xxx
ah Larry.. you have really made me laugh today!! loving your are one very cool dude!!!
Lodigiana xxx
And you are a very hot Mama!
Larry xxx