Once upon a time there were three little businessmen; one owned a hardware; the other owned a five & dime and the other had a small grocery. Now these three little business men all belong to Jaycees.
If you're wondering what a Jaycee is, well that's a fancy name for a small town Republican.
One day all three little businessmen were gathered at the Jaycee's meeting. When all of a sudden the doors and windows slammed shut and locked. Everything went dark, except the TV that came on expectedly.
On the TV was no other than Mitch SAW McConnell
Mitch spoke to the frighten little businessmen
"In the name of a free market, I want you to commit votercide!"
"What's votercide, Mr. Mitch," one of the little Jaycees asked?
"It's when you go to the polling place, and right before you vote, you stick your head up your ass, so you don't realize your voting yourself off the Island."
"Why would we do such a stupid the thing," the one little grocery store man asked?
"Because you're dumbasses from Kentucky," he answered with a sneer. "Besides our founding Father's intended it that way. . .something like that. . .anyway. . .go to the polls tomorrow and vote yourselves out of existence like good little Jaycees."
So the following day, the little hardware store man, the little five & dime owner and the little grocery store man, all went to the polls. Each went to a separate voting booth, stuck their heads up their asses, and puledl the lever for Mitch. And all three committed votercide. In their honor, with the help of the local chapter of Jaycees, a brand new Walmart was built as a symbol of their sacrifice.
Moral this story; this November 4, do as Mitch SAW McConnell commands, commit votercide and maybe they'll be build a Walmart to replace you!
kimmy alan
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