Better years by nardine sanderson 2025©️
Lonely are Dreams - “How lonely are New Beginnings”
How lonely are dreams, of new beginnings....
To Find - "The Love of her Life”
The moon of twilight, a glint in the night.
Capturing eyes...
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Thy Gifts - “In whom is Free Agency ?”
Thou have bless me, of Thy gifts.
A Heart - to feel...
Pleading - "Thy Mercy is Tender"
As an offender Lord, I surrender, for I know Thy mercy is...
What is the point of being, When the world sees creatures, and humans are only seen.
What is...
She dash with a pinch of philtron. An ajna chakra, emerge above her glabella.
With fear she...
As she sits upon a hill, over looking a valley be still. She dwells, as nature unfolds her spells...
She cast her eyes in to the night, staring at the glitter of time. Processing thoughts in her mind,...
The moment of truth, I ask, you for me and I for you. Tell me no, and my heart bounds no control....
In the moon of three halos, whisper a sound of silent echoes. Entice by the voice, as...
To my knees I fall, to the echoes of my heart, I call. Hear me Lord, for my soul aches to find the...
Oh death, my lonely friend. What have thee, to apprehend ? To dine with the mimes, or take...
Oh my beloved soul,
How did I fall, to the sting of a Foe. Why am I easily lure, to lose...
Are you crying in the rain, to hide the tears of the pain. Are you laughing in the sun, to blind the...
I won't seek revenge because I knew you needed the love I gave you. The love I gave you was so gentle, so...
On a pink towel, soft as a dream, Lies a woman, naked in the sunshine. Her skin glimmers,...