The Abandoned Wife

A man who lives in my town is truly despised.
He divorced his wife when she was paralyzed.
They had a really bad car crash when her husband chose to drive.
He wore his seat belt and she didn't but she was still able to survive.
She's paralyzed from the neck down and her husband didn't want her anymore.
He dumped her in her time of need and he's a man who people deplore.
He divorced her last year and it's something that he doesn't even regret.
He has been beaten up two times and he has even received death threats.
He came to my house for a visit but I wouldn't answer the door.
When he abandoned his wife, it was cruel and truly uncalled for.
When it came to being a loving husband, he sure did fail.
If I had my way, he would be ridden out of town on a rail.
He's the worst man I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of bad men.
He really takes the cake and I hope I never see that bastard again.

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AMAZING write RANDY!!......I can feel that this is no fiction.....and all I can really say is that he is not worth not beating up....and in EVERY relationship there are circumstances that not everyone is privy to.....I am SO moved by this poem that it makes me want to scream out in no uncertain terms!!.....PINNED!!....because I will need to be reminded from time to time just how fortunate I am!!......well done dear poet brother!!....Thank you for sharing this story....It is truly POWERFUL!!.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!.....T xo