The Holiday Mess
Those holiday traditions we go through
From Thanksgiving to year’s end too
Friends come on over and parties abound
But one thing that is always a battleground
The filling and emptying of that damn dishwasher
Again and again and again and again!
From dawn until dusk the machine keeps its rein
Dish in and then out, in can be such a pain!
Yet that counter or table seems to never clear
Of those damn party dishes we all hold so dear!
Now wait just a minute, don’t think all is done
With those plastic plates we think we have won!
Come give the attention you fix on that vessel
That bag, box, or can that takes two to wrestle
The horrible trash bin is equally in league
In cahoots with that dishwasher to keep us fatigued
We attack all of this with great woe
But with a song we can keep it all a’glow
A song to amuse, bring joy and forget
When all is done and we’re snug in our duvet!
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