The reason, the pain, you are to blame

A week after my dad lied still,
His body motionless, life taken by will.
I remember the day he said he felt love again,
i was excited as I looked at the pavement aged 10.
You bullied and tormented in our years of growing,
But we accepted in faith that dad felt your loving.
I hope you realise
that you are to blame!
A week after his body was burnt in flame...
A week after this you had a 'happy day''!
How can you continue knowing you caused all this pain?
You've been caught out in the media you post,
weekends away with new men on the coast!
I blame you for the loss of the person I love most!
You blamed me for an abortion u had when I carried,
Dad was blackmailed in a corner when you made him married!
I hope you sleep easy as when you die you'll pass,
To hell through judgement you'll walk a fiery path.
Your exposed as the cheating monster, that caused the aftermath...
You took my dad through your sick mental pain,
Realise that this hurt is your fault you're soley to blame!

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One in ten people suffer from mental illness....poetry is a great way of getting the message out of the pain it can cause the sufferer and family and friends. Nice ink. JCG
Oh my God!!.... wow!!..... this is crazy-compelling..... an unbelievably well written display of painful memory & emotions that still fly in the face of rationale!!..... sounds to me like this woman is a beast and ghastly influence.... to have so openly trampled on your father on social media and the likes is just like pouring salt in the wound..... and if this IS all true.... I pray she finds her "reality check" before leaving this world!!..... an awesome write!!.....ALL STARS!!..... LOVE and ROCKETS!!.....T xo ?☀✴✳
It Is all true if only poetry made a difference legally, and was sent to god for judgement xxxx