The Scourge of Title IV-E
Title IV-E Funding of the Social Security act
Is not so much a mystery,
Addresses major problems of child welfareÂ
Going all the way back to 1980
It’s not clear what degree Social Workers had
But  it is they who’s sat back to decide,Â
Where a child should go who may have been harmed
And that’s where Title IV-E Funding is applied
Now how Title IV-E Funding is based
On hopes of anticipatory adoption,
Before that children are placed
With a Foster Family soon after abduction
After Foster Families greedily collect monies
For the following month not back,
A disaster for any miserable child
Stolen from their family by a Social Worker maniac
A tragic scene as so much is involvedÂ
What happens to children in Foster Care,
Besides being drugged, raped with PTSD
Title IV-E Funding is just waiting to ensnareÂ
For those children in Foster Care or adopted out
What future do they hold,
They only want emotional securityÂ
But end up going where they’re told
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