Yours Truly

This is a love letter.
They’re mostly written to earn.
But my purpose for writing it is better.
I would love to share with you what I have learned.
I get misplaced in your eyes.
Like You used me for a lucid dream.
My heart is screaming to be watered and fertilized.
But sometimes I can’t get enough,...
So what does that mean for me?
Touching you physically gives me warmth internally.
Loving you mentally makes me insane externally.
But our love I wouldn’t trade.....
This is a forever lasting journey.
I foreshadow on the daily basis
Of how we would splice near the fire place.
Hearing the sound in the air of vacant.
Flattering myself on how we’re so adjacent.
This is a weird love, a dangerous love.
A flammable love,an addiction a drug.
We’re supernatural from a base of resilience, faith and trust.
We’re strong hearted, because we know tears are the water that causes our smile to rust.
Some call it a dream, I call it reality.
I embrace the dirty, ugly us because I know it isn’t fake.
I embrace the criticism because I know it isn’t hate.
It’s from courage and expectations, it was meant to be challenging.
We’re from the wild, we aren’t meant to be caged in the zoo.
We’re free spirits who roam by day.
Beautiful lions migrating with our queendom across the way.
Epitomate to the fact that I’ll go anywhere with you.
Side note: Through it all I love you surely.
I bow to your feet, praying with my head under my kufi.
To embrace us with strength and to see to fate truthfully.
Guess who, yours truly?

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What a touching love story.
Favorite Stanza
I really like how you compare tears to rust, wow! Incredible imagery/metaphor here.
The rhyme scheme works well also. Good work!
Thank you very much Katina, means everything!