Ancient Advanced Civilization

Thousands of years ago when the life was very different. Our ancestors believed in the higher being and still continuous to this day. We have discovered many artefacts and relics on the part where the civilization grew. Some lasted longer but some disappeared without any evidence. Even we have discovered ancient civilization that dates back thousands of years back. Yet, there are many that are advanced than today. The technology used back then must have been ancient, the aliens/gods/angels as we call it are they even real??
All around the globe we have similarities in ancient civilization even though some may look different their purpose is the same. Who ever came from the sky knew what we were? How we interacted with each other?
There was not just one but many different extra-terrestrials that came from various galaxies. During these our growth have been a rapid as we are advancing. Let's also the possibility that we are in perfectly placed goldilocks system in solar system. Many advanced civilization have come to earth as a explorers when we as a homo sapiens weren't smart could have mined resources from the planet and still continuing.
Also think about the giant asteroid landing on earth that extinct the dinosaur's. What is the possibility that asteroid that killed dinosaur is from another civilization that sent organism from their galaxy to ours and started to survive, formed a new organism that kick started here life on earth as we know it.
Who ever is reading from around the globe??
-The thing that bugs me is that asteroid hitting the earth and wiping out the dinosaurs and after a billions of years we come along. Think about the asteroid on a perfect trajectory to earth. Where could asteroid slingshoted from? Why us?
To think that there are many possibilities that I don't know about. But some famous astrophysicists, astronomers etc. know about it. WHY US? THE ASTERIOD THAT HIT THE EARTH AND COMING OF HOMO SAPIENS? WHERE DID IT CAME FROM? ARE WE ALONE OR LIFE IS OUTHERE FAR ADVANCE THAN US?