Chapter 1: God of surprises ( year 2008)

It is raining violently and I can feel the cold shiver. I'm dressed warmly and enjoying​ the winter. In my cosy, protected and furnished house I constantly hear the rain gushing against the windows. This seems to be a tremendously cold and bitter winter. In this horrible or pleasant weather there is very little one can discover to do. Families decide to watch an exciting movie in the comfort of their own homes, while others read a novel. Thankful to God for the four seasons and gifts he has given unfailingly. Truly he is the only living God who never, never fails. I have found Jesus and life is meaningful​. I entered eighteen years this year with the help of the heavenly father. Every young person wants love and importance. They definitely struggle to be someone great in life. The word of God says we are all worth more than many sparrows. Young people should believe the Bible and follow the instructions obediently. My life without the risen saviour was hopeless, empty and disturbing to eventually drown into tears of despair. The sadness, hurt and pain only Jesus could heal. Many times I thought of suicide because I felt trapped in a world without purpose. When I finally met Jesus my prospective about life was broken and melted. This encounter with the Redeemer was life changing. In school being a very timid and insecure learner, I hardly shared about the Messiah. This task seemed arduous but I learned God can use my weakness to be an example to others. I am extremely discouraged to miss the numerous opportunities to proclaim God's unchanging word. You can tell a wanderous story about the life of Jesus and invite someone to church. It is not late to win a soul for the Lord Jesus Christ. This fact about me might amuse many especially the unsaved. Being young and exposed to temptations of the world and pressurized by friends to commit sins are unbearable. I'm grateful to God for giving me his light. I can graciously admit I have never being to a nightclub or disco in my whole entire life. In movies I have witnessed how a disco looks but in real life I think it is totally worse. Lives are endangered and souls are sold to the devil. These poor souls will burn in the fire and their permanent home will be hell. I remember being invited to my friends sixteen birthday party and it was quite enjoyable. It was strictly girls only but my friends​ loved pop songs. After the braai came to an end, all my friends danced unstoppable to the beat of the music. They insisted that me and my friend who also loved God should come and participate in the fun. We refused the request brilliantly, they continued dancing more faster and swiftly. I always acknowledged God and wanted to be a blessing. God transformed my life and made it clear that I'm​ part of the world but do not belong to the world. I shouldn't indulge in unholy and wicked events. I sin everyday and​ dishonour God in my thoughts, speech and actions. I need God always to search me and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts, point out anything in me that offends him. God is surprising and He knows your heart's desires. We are living in a time and age where people are looking for hope. Jesus is the answer to dreams and the giver of good things. Now the rain has stopped and the clouds have separated. The sky is brighter and clearer. God can help you in your storms in life. He can make your future beautiful and secure like a well structured house. A house where no harm can enter, no evil can manifest and no cold can devour. I finished school and unable to further my studies because of finances. I'm sitting at home with no job and praying earnestly to find an appropriate job. I understand God is my provider. He will never let me go unsatisfied and will open better doors. Patience is important to obtain the best in life. I had a job in Debonairs pizza plaza but unfortunately I left. I felt God had something better in store and more promising. God always makes ways. He works in astonishing and supernatural ways. I will always depend on the God Almighty for guidance and support. He will point out a career path for there is nothing too difficult for the Lord. The sun rises in the morning, God will raise me up to reach greater heights and the sun sets in the evening, God will settle confusion and disappointment. His angels will surround me and grant me protection.
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