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The true meaning of Christmas

The true meaning of Christmas

Victoria Simpson, a reporter, stood outside the most busiest mall. She had to find out what was the true meaning of Christmas. She said ' Good day people of Christmas Pie Avenue, today I am standing outside the Green Everest Christmas Tree Mall. This is one of the most busiest malls during the festive season. As you can see people are flocking in and out of this mall. Today I will be interviewing people to find out what is the true meaning of Christmas.' The first person the reporter interviewed was a shopaholic. The reporter asked, ' Excuse me mam, sorry to worry you?What is your name? The shopaholic replied, my name is Mrs Jingle bells.The reporter asked,'Mrs Jingle bells, what do you think is the true meaning of Christmas?The shopaholic answered,' to me Christmas is all about dressing. During the festive season I shop till I drop. On Christmas day I like to look my best. I shop at the expensive stores. I go out of my way to find the most gorgeous dress and I pay big bucks for it.On that day I dress to impress.On Christmas day most of the ladies get jealous of me, they burn with fire because they cannot match my style of dressing, beauty and feminism. On that day my makeup, hair and nails are to the T, perfect.' The reporter said, ' Thanks Mrs Jingle bells, to you Christmas is about wearing beautiful and smart clothes.' The shopaholic replied, ' it was a pleasure speaking to you but I have to get going. I'm getting late for my appointment at Salon. All the best for this Christmas, cheers.' The next person the reporter interviewed was a rich man. The reporter said,' Excuse me sir, what is  your name? The rich man said, ' my name is Mr. Richie.' The reporter asked, ' Mr. Richie, What to you think is the true meaning of Christmas?The rich man said, ' I just withdrew all this money from the A.T.M. I am going to use it to buy gifts for friends and loved ones. To me Christmas is about giving gifts. This Christmas me and family are going to be out of town.I'm taking them on a beautiful vacation.I have all this money, money talks, I can give my family a very good time this Christmas.' The reporter replied, ' thanks Mr. Richie.'The next person the reporter interviewed was a beggar.The reporter asked, 'excuse me sir ,what do you think is the true meaning of Christmas?'The beggar replied,'I hate Christmas, it is the worst day of my life. How can I enjoy Christmas?I have no money, friends and family. I am homeless, I live on the streets. My clothes are tattered and torn. My only meal is rotten food in bins. People call me hobo, madman, lazy bum and they say I am smelling like a dead rat. I must take a bath.On Christmas I am lonely, depressed, unloved and hungry. No one offers me a nice meal.'The reporter sadly says, ' thanks sir, hope this Christmas someone will give you a meal.'The next person the reporter interviewed was a wayward young man. The reporter said,' excuse me sir, what is your name?' The wayward young man said,' my name is Scorpion, be careful. I am a dangerous man. I am an expert in stealing. A very good rogue. I can take the milk out of your tea. Cool you filming this. I'm going to be on television. I want to greet all my bra's out there. Whatsup dudes and to my girlfriend, I love you my angel, miss you baby girl.' The reporter angrily said,' enough Scorpion all I want to know is what do you think is the true meaning of Christmas?' The wayward young man replied,' On that day, me and my friends have a Christmas party. We blast the music, we rock the house, we do the jika on the dance floor. We drink alcohol and have a lekker time.' The reported said,' thanks Scorpion to you Christmas is about having a party and drinking alcohol. Enjoy your Christmas.' The next person the reporter interviewed was a old lady. The reporter asked,' excuse me mam, what is your name?' The old lady said ,' my name is Jolly Holly.The reporter said,' okay Holly Jolly, what do you think is the true meaning of Christmas?' The old lady answered,' Christmas is the most joyous day of my life. I get to see my children and grandchildren. On that day I unite with my family. I prepare delicious food and deserts like turkey, stuffing, pork sausages, savory rice, gammon, cold meats,custard and jelly. We lay the table and everyone digs in. You must watch my grandchildren, they lick their fingers. I am a very good cook. On that day we eat the whole day, from morning to afternoon like fowls, like we have worms in our stomach.' The reporter replied,' thanks mam,enjoy this Christmas with your family and eating delicious food.' The last person she interviewed was a pastor.The reporter asked,' excuse me sir , what is your name? The pastor said, ' my name is pastor Marcus.' The reporter asked,' what do you think is true meaning of Christmas.' The pastor said, ' The true meaning of Christmas is love. We celebrate the birth of Jesus. God gave us his only son to save the world not condemn the world. We celebrate Christmas out of gratitude for what God did for us, we remember his birth by giving each other gifts, worshiping him and being especially conscious of the poor and less fortunate.' The reporter replied,' thanks pastor Marcus. Be blessed this Christmas.' The reporter finally said, ' ladies and gentlemen, we have found the true meaning of Christmas. It is not only about dressing, receiving gift, spending time with loved ones and eating good food. Christmas is about love. A day to share and give to the poor or less fortunate. Just the way God gave us his only son, we must give to others. This Christmas have a generous and kind heart. Have a blessed and safe Christmas. This is Victoria Simpsons reporting from the Green Everest Christmas Tree Mall.  

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