On my way to hell

There is something that I did that is really wrong and unacceptable to God. It is sin that can destroy my soul. I fell into a deep sleep. I was going into a dark portal. I was so afraid. I was telling God, " I don't want to go to hell, I don't want to go to hell." Then I had another dream, there was a lady explaining to me why the sin was wrong. I remember she told me, God will say, "Away from me, you evildoer, I don't know you." Now I realize, God is not interested in how many sermons I preach, how many songs I sing to him or how many miracles I do. He wants me to live a clean life. It is the pure in heart that will see God. Now I know I cannot fool around with God, He is all consuming fire. He is my judge. I thank God for his guidance, for showing me where sin can take me. I want to encourage you not to continue in your sin but come before God with a heart of repentance. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. He is a God of second chances. Hell is real, it is a dark and tormenting place. I don't want to go there and I don't want others to go there either. God loves you and desires man to come to salvation. Jesus is your saviour, He died for every sinner. Your belief in Jesus can save you. He is the only way to heaven. Lets be on fire for God and forget the pleasures of this world. If we love the things in the world, we have enmity with God. Jesus loves you.
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