Nelson Krishanduth- The prodigal son

I want to share a story about a man that left a legacy for many. His name was Nelson Krishanduth. He was born on 26th January 1967 and departed from the earth on 27th November 2015. He was diagnosed with cancer and died from this deadly disease.He was a man that lived life to the fullest. Nelson was a very lively, energetic, humorous and exciting person to know. He was like a dad to me and my father's closest friend. A man that showed me and my family respect and love. Nelson was a human like you and me. He was not perfect. He had flaws, failures, weaknesses and shortcomings. He was afraid of death. He knew his time had come him to prepare to meet his maker, make right with God and ask God to forgive him for every sin. The final days on earth, he spend great time in prayer, confessing his sins and asking God and loved ones to forgive him. I believe Nelson's soul is at rest and peace. He has received the forgiveness he desperately needed. When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. God forgives us 70 x 7 times. Nelson was like the prodigal son in the bible who asked his father for his share of inheritance and set off to a distant land to use his wealth in wild living, enjoying the pleasures of the world. When the prodigal son's money was finished and he was starving, he decided to return back to his father and ask for forgiveness. When the father saw the son, he was filled with compassion, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The father forgave his lost son and celebrated his return back home. The father said this son of mine was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. Nelson was God's lost son but he returned back to his heavenly father with a heart of repentance. Through his death, we learn that we need to be prepared to meet our maker before it is too late. We realize that life is short, it can end in a blink of an eye, we can be here today and tomorrow we can be gone. Life is breeze, a passing shadow. God is speaking to every heart, every lost soul to return back to him, to come back home to your first love. Your soul is more important, God has the power to either send it either to heaven or hell. Today you have a choice like Nelson,to give God your soul and accept Jesus Christ in your life. Nelson loved the Lord, a man glued up in the word of God and prayer. He loved music and singing but now he is singing with angels and praising God in heaven. Nelson cared about his family. On one occasion, while been admitted in the hospital, he had an experience where angels came to take his soul. He said he fought with them not to take him away. He told them what is going to happen to his family if he leaves, he was worried about his family. He was the priest, provider and protector of his home. He was hardworking and toiled in the shoe factory to provide for his loved ones. Nelson is gone to a good place where there is no more pain and suffering.I hope to see him there one day.
'In my father's house are many mansions; if it were not so,I would have told you, I am going to prepare a place for you.'
John 14:2
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