Chinese Readers Comments on My Translation of Sonnet XLIII

This article shares with you a few of many Chinese readers’ comments on my translation of Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. These comments were taken from those made on 8 March 2008 when my translation was first self published on a Chinese blog web site. The enteral love poem by Mrs Browning is loved by people all over the world, no matter what are their language and culture. And I’m sure, it will be loved by future generations. By Yiyan Han (c), 2020-11-08.
索瓦: 爱的绝唱啊!
O! the greatest praise of love
昊旻: 爱是一颗星,她引导迷途的船只
“我爱你 以我的童真 带着昔日悲痛的激情”
Love is the plough that guides the strayed ship
“I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.”
A very beautiful poem, and I know why you like it
布谷: 我爱你 用我的呼吸 微笑 眼泪 以及整个生命
确乎是非常的感人 ! 亦言兄的翻译水准极高的
“I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!”
It’s very moving indeed! And your translation is extremely good.
萧逸: 至爱至情,真乃绝唱。译文天成,神来之笔。
Eternal love and affection, absolutely the best poem. The translation is perfect.
雁过无痕: 至纯至真,至高至上的爱,还有什么比“至爱”两个字能更好的表达呢?
“我爱你 用我的呼吸 微笑 眼泪 以及整个生命
--还有 如果上帝允许
我将在天国 爱你 更深地爱你”
Love of purest, truest, highest and greatest, and nothing can expresses better than your chosen title “Eternal Love” for this poem.
“I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! -- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.”
Who wouldn’t be moved, and who wouldn’t yearn for such love with one’s life?
紫贝壳: 如此博大,如此深沉,如此缠绵,如此永恒的爱啊!
O! What a love of such great, deep, touching, and eternal
温润一生: 生动而深情的译作!温润也要放声朗诵了。
A vivid and passionate translation! I’m going to recite it,
and admire your translation skills.
风の轩: 爱能用言语表达的程度莫过如此
This is the best of the verbal expression of love
林莺: 爱是人类最美的语言,果然不假!
It’s true that love is the most beautiful human language!
露自清明: 我看了这首爱情诗,好悲壮,好感人!没有华丽的语言,却有深邃的意境!
I’ve read this love poem, it’s majestic and heart-warming! There’s no fancy word but profound inspiration!
Really applaud your talent and the good native translation expertise!
alonelythinker: 永远的 Elizabeth Barrett Browning!
Eternal Elizabeth Barrett Browning!
Like 5 Pin it 2My Chinese translation has now been formally published on
Another very informative write are on a roll! 💕
Many thanks, Marion. I try to show English readers that Sonnet XLIII is really loved by Chinese readers! :-))
I've always envied bilingual artists. My mother speaks several languages, unfortunately, that ability skipped a generation in other words my ability was lost in the translation lol
Wonderful translation Yiyan. Browning is one of many favorite poets
Thank you, PoetessDarkly, I like to be a bridge of best east-west cultures, and I envy you a master of "oldie goodies" English words :) A lot to be learnt from you! Yours truly admirer me.