Comedious Commentarious :Life Raft

I wrote this short humorous story, be cause of all the body modifications people are obsessed with. Some of the modifications people have had done to themselves, have made them look like a freak show. The is one woman who come to my mind, she is a poplar talk show host, and her breast implant are ridiculously over sized in proportion to the rest of her body. Now I know what happen to those two beach ball that disappeared at the Beach Boys concert.
The point is that most plastic surgery only hold up for a couple of year before you have to shell out thousands of more dollars to have it redone to maintain the look one is after.
I think people should spend their resources in sculpting the inner person, becoming a person who is: honest,trustworthy,selfless,caring,giving,faithful,kind,courteous, loving,respectful.
You can spend a life time trying to make your self attractive to other people, but if you are a ugly person inside, that will chase every one away from you.
One man goes up to His next door neighbor, and explodes with excitement,as he tell him that for his two week vacation his company gives him, he is going on a cruise.
His neighbor look at him as if he has flipped his wig, and asks," Aren't you deathly afraid of boats, because of that recurring nightmare you have, of drowning from being on a sinking ship?"
His neighbor replies," I won't have to worry about that happening, because I am going on the cruise with a woman who has breast implants!"
The man ask his neighbor , why does that make you feel safe?
His neighbor replies, "If the ship start to sink, I can tell my female traveling companion to jump over board and float on her back,while I throw down the luggage, she kicks her feet ,while I point her toward land."
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo July 8 ,201o
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