Cult Killings.

In the still of the night. It came. From out of nowhere. The noise of its imminent arrival at any scene could cause downright confusion, if not far worse. Mysticism surrounded its beastly nature. You could not go anywhere, around this " neck of the woods " without getting wind of its appearance upon the appropriate tide. Seafarers talked constantly of its climb up the " local ", and vocal, gradient, into the hearts and minds of the unwary. The thing about it, was its popularity gained from experiences well outside the realms of natural laws or probability. Influences on the stoic and strongest going down in folklore. How could you not take notice of its incumbent yearnings to affect anyone it had cause to manipulate ? At will.
The characteristics of it drove some to distraction. Tales were one thing, but, in the field education was another. You had to bear witness to its pull on the inexperienced journeyman who venture " off the beaten track " into the " mouth of madness " ! To understand.
How many had been lost to its ungainly gate leaving little to the imagination, though enough to be alarmed ? The promises had been embelished or expanded to bring real substance to its wants and needs. Of sacrifice. Who would lay down before its insatiable thirst, or hunger, for more ? It needed to forage inland for the miscellanoeous soul not appreciative of quantum mechanics or emotional identity crisis. Which then spawned such physical anomalies, beyond the pale, even when the moon was full, of romantic suggestion.
Living with the ghosts of the past had given rise to the fantastic anacdotal evidence of venturings into far deeper recesses than was prepared to be accepted, or really tolerated. Depravity had become associated with its ritualisrtic verve. It was amused by puny attempts to withdraw from its hinterland. The visions of neurological intrigue rammed home, to its advantage. To lead you where hope was lost in the name of some ghastly intrusion into the psychic conceptual interpretations of " reality " !
No wonder, many feared it so. Why would they not ? When you could become fixated forever by its dominating complexity as well as its remedial illusions, based on profound shortcomings within the " voyage of discovery " ! However, you had to query where " A Promised Land " lay after its appetite was catered for.
Horror comes, in many forms. Too many now realize. At their cost. Moonlight serenades being usurped by deliberations on malevoloent forces or otherwise. Seeming to tear foundations apart. What could be more captivating than the " fatal blow " to standard practices and mundane leanings ? " The whip " was there to be gone over, time and time again. A vicious circle created by ambitions, " a stretch too far " ! In the heat of the night, it all could be lost. So easily. That, was abundantly clear.
Why would that not be the case ? Considering histories and mysteries. Who does not know of it ? Be honest with yourself and others. If, you dare face the truth.
Define yourself by acceptance of the " cult phenomena " ! And, its overwhelming lasting-power.
Are you making a killing ?