Live, And Believe !

He, had time to lay back, to ponder, finally. The busy day becoming still, as customers tailed away into twilight. To be " home sweet home " with the comforts of family and friends readily available. He would be with his soon, but, this quieter time gave pause, suitable for reflection. In the free " space " he remembered the quality of his days, throughout life. He, had committed himself to the task today, for his responsibilities, under his charge, so within his relaxed refrain was the means to reason his journey. To, enjoy memories of how he had arrived here. In the way of things he had been fortunate, but, also his dedication, as well as respect, for himself, and others, had made a difference in " earning " what mattered most. To, the vast majority any way. The path to get where he was gave him peace, of mind and spirit, so was worth reflecting upon to ease a weary cask. He felt contentment. He felt achievement. He felt he was worth something.
The days, prior to today, he realized, had common elements to them. Therefore he knew what his character traits were. And, how the essence of himself, was " mapped out. " In the years gone by was the evidence of how he got involved in life. And, how he respected it. The breath, and breadth, of his " domain " had given opportunities for him to develop himself, as well as team ethic. The chances he had been given, he contemplated, were not only born of luck, but of effort. This effort, he saw as a product of his family's learning credentials. as well as his way of getting more out of each day. Than, perhaps, others ever thought possible. In the nature of the beast, which he was, he found the driving-force to yearn to make more of what he was every day, in every way. He was content because he was thankful about being the way he was. Rather than like those who did not " work " to get anything out of life at all. Which meant anything, anywhere, at any time. His life pleased him, because it said something. But, then again, he felt it would do. Thus, he realized why others, unlike him, were dead inside.
From where he was, he understood the problems raised, by not committing to society, or to yourself. Souls who did not respect themselves, obviously, ended in trouble. Of, their own making. Without a family generally. In their lives he saw stark contrast with his own. If not, the reverse reflection. Their " lack of worth " and, in fact, complete disregard, he felt, for their safety, and that of others, made him feel sad. For, they, did not realize how they were, due to poor learning skills born from lack of effort, which weakened their will to see reality. And what was gained from satisfaction. Within, " The Job " and within life itself. They, could not see the truth of their corruption, or, where it would lead them, at the end of the day. He, was to go home to family and friends, whilst they, he presumed, did little to gain reward from time here. To be in pain, when, or where he was not. Still, he knew, what they had missed out, from the wondrous gift.
He, was my friend. And, told me how he reflected upon life. After putting effort into the work, or pleasure, he was organizing. For, himself. And, others. It, is in his " teaching " of how he perceived his place, on Earth, that, I discovered there was more to me, than I first thought. I bought into his philosophy, committing myself to being everything I could be. If, not that extra, which denotes " The Edge " to forge from time opportunity to expand horizons. His death was a bitter pill to swallow, because he had stood there, before going home, reflecting on what was important. In the communication, to me, of his heart and soul, I felt better about myself instantly. Plus, also energized. To work harder for myself. And, for as many as possible. To, make a difference. In, the best ways I could. I, still try, for him, to give, and to live. In, the right manner. In, the right style. In, the right direction.
See, him, in movies. :)