Time And Place.

In the throng of people he could not concentrate fully on the joy of being here. He had come on this vacation to make the most of this historic city, and those who surrounded him. Their passion had been his for many years, but, he had not had the time due to work commitments to make the journey to share in the glory of their home. And, all it had to offer. When, he had finally secured a " window " of opportunity, and relevant finance to make the most of it, he had almost cried. Because, for so long this had been his driving-force to continue on despite everything. The " pain " hopefully was worth it, he reflected, as he scrutinized the " package " with its excursion into " another world. " This place of wonderful creativity, he now inhabited, had attracted him because of the heartful enthusiasm they demonstrated, here, for all that he held dear. Within, the symphony and the harmony. The pleasure of affording this chance nearly brought tears to his eyes as he walked along the aisle, to find his ideal, and the " dream " position of choice. To, get lost in the wealth of sound which takes you away from your concerns, to somewhere else entirely.
The seat he occupied gave a great insight into the majestic " gravitas " of the amazing monument to dedication. Ambition yearning to achieve, in the building of the venue, what others would marvel at. After they were gone. The " angels in the architecture " sending a message, like no other, on what could be done if the will was there to travel somewhere most dare not care to. For, in the gloriously satisfying effort to leave a memorable legacy of highest standing, was the notion of appreciating time. How it could best be understood, and, how it was a reservoir to be extravagantly " tapped " for the benefit of progression. Of, individuals as well as community. In the segmentation of this ultimate asset, and, in the truth of life, being what it is, was the search for better. Than any could have expected in the past. The statement of intent rising above the confused ramblings of the less well educated, to represent hope for the future. To continue giving to " the people " all they would desire. To enjoy where they found themselves. And, what could be made of it.
After, the warming of hearts, and minds, by the orchestra showing equal reflection, on the significance of the night, came the dimming of the light, to bring mood to heighten passionate responses. " Stravinsky 's " Rites Of Spring, was the fulfillment of aspiration, here, to promote what was guaranteed to enrich all, for the sake of the " Common Good " ! With all its fantastic detail leading to rewards beyond mundane comforts. The security of investment, making a developed description, on what matters where, and why. In, the name of love, as well as in the favoured art-form. The power of the occasion, took to him, and he to it, to create in memory many would later be envious of. The flowing of suggestive image, as well as accompanying language, producing a " nerve-tingling " reaction to forces which dwarfed mankind. Despite its attempts to communicate might, within the fight, to be recognized. But, not despised !
What strength of purpose was gained that night. As he became lost in the sense of worth. And, what was born from philosophy, counting for more, as the future revealed its secrets. The depths, or layers, of the " cake " praising him for looking to the interest, rather than the contest, for once. He, needed this so much. Having already felt abandoned by the death of his wife. In " The Dark " he had fought to represent another struggle, of " time immorium " where the wealth of experiences lay down the " ground-rules " of the everlasting honesty. Before, the highest court. With its judgements, on your relationship with birth-place, and what it had to offer. His determination to make more memories brought emotion to him, as he had never known. There, and then, he made a pact with himself, to not let anyone distract him from his destiny. His mind given over to the empty space next to him. And, what it meant ! In, real value terms.Â