Return. To The Past.

He lay, there, in bed, thinking of what had come to pass. Of all there had been, which was considerable despite his relatively young age. In these years of peaks and troughs he was remembered mainly for an injection of capital into the places he travelled to. And, created a stir within. His noteriority was compared to many of a similar nature. Who put the want of a " good time " above mostly everything else. Except friends, and " family " of course. Fundamental, to enhancement of capabilities. And, ambitions.
In his pursuit of the quintessential " party atmosphere " for a certain type, he had enjoyed the freedom to learn. Practically, all there is to know about " woman " and the desire to get the maximum out of breathe as was perceivable. In the forensic examination of a certain culture he had thrown himself into the mix, with absolute disregard for his own welfare. In front of others, and, in the eyes of " public interest " ! Which many said always appeared ground-breaking. Bucking trends, if not economic instability ! Thus, he felt, he had shared his " lucky strike " with stranger, after stranger, wherever the need was found for something more substantial than the normal " run of the mill " workings, of social etiquette and judgemental demands. And, what that, entailed. In, every way.
The appearance of " manhood " had been the making of him. As in maturity he blossomed, generally beyond everyday beliefs, to stretch the boundaries. Of what was acceptable and what was not, at any given time. The years past his " coming of age " had delivered the experiences, to bring on more, than had been bargained for. Or, envisaged. Especially at the " school desk " where his mind wandered to what could be. The truth of his life, thankfully, had been far more rewarding than the " whipper-snapper " could foresee. Back there, he could now understand the roots of his voyages of discovery. Away, from what the vast majority saw as relevant to the era. And, requirements of the " trend-setters " hell-bent on redefining the " nature of the beast " ! And, what it could give to you. Or, remove, without warnings. Beyond the venerated position, of fanciful " Footloose " and care-free contributions to historical precedent. With all the repercussions of that !
Here, he dwelt, to re-establish his credentials. In spite of what had gone on, to leave him in this plight. And, the ramifications represented in the loss, of what could have been, as well as should have been. The struggle he was now in, emphasized " his time " and what had been made of it. Within, the period of his fertile imagination, and what were the subsequent results of that, defying speculation, framed by standard practice. And, limitations of the " Average Joe " ! Who obviously did not think like him.
In the fight, and the flight, and the constant search for descriptions of his character, he found all he sought, for comforts sake. To, spread the " love of life, " far removed from what anybody else conceived important. Or, justifiable, deliberating " powers, that shall be " ! With their fixation on maintaining confidence in the foundations of society. Where, he wished, to " shake the earth " until all structures were tested, to " The Core " ! The strength of ritual investigated fully, by bringing upon himself, and others, the processes to " Rock " the order of things. With stayed definitions " blasted to bits " by frantic frenzied displays of gratuitous fun-making ! To replenish notions of " mad-cap " and " blue-chip " ! Thus, he lay down his head, seeking sleep. Proud of what he had done. And achieved.
What was there for him, but, to find a peace like no other ? Which, it must be said, he had ignored completely. To, this day. When images of past glories, and conquests, came flooding back. To, once more, return the smile to the face. Of the man who did it all. But, failed to " break the bank at Monte Carlo " ! In, that, contentment was found. For, everyone needs a reason to come back, to anywhere. Surely, to goodness ?
See, " Casino Royale " with cheese. Or, any David Niven exploration, into film production studio events.
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