Dipping Wait.

The wonder of it never ceased to amaze. But that day was special, and will live long in the memory. That, is for sure. The waterfall, and related terrain provided a secret rendevous for many a couple. To me, it was also an escape from the frenetic world, whether I was with somebody, or not. The serene summer light and heat led to a certainty that life was more than expected....on the aforementioned day.
When one wound their way to the restful spot, most appreciated by locals, you heard birds singing. You heard the trees communicating natures praise for the terrain. You saw the glorious canopy and rich carpet to guide you to the centre of attention. The place echoed time spent wisely. The route of the initiated meant peace of mind and spirit. What was there, but, harmony ?
The " love of the outdoors " gave a spring to the step, as one focused on babbling waters asking to be recognized. And, asking to be followed to the rich scene where force met fruitful. Images of this area would etch themselves on your reminiscences, without a shadow of a doubt. Who could not consider that a blessing ?
As I neared the object of my interest, I determined " splashing. " This was not unusual in the plunge pool associated with the rock face and water drop, so I only noted it, only wondering if it required further attention. My need was to sit, with simple provision, to enjoy the " visionary " feast, before me. The sight and sounds were a masterpiece of impetuous design, giving so much. The " fabric " and brushstrokes were breath-taking. Who, could not fall " headlong " into the resonating capture and rapture of it all. There was the dream scenario, which movie planners enjoy filming. Why, wouldn't they ?
Starting to get through my set-piece luncheon, I was diverted to the source of the waters displacement. In the pool there swam, the definitive version of the distraction. She, bore no resemblance to any I had seen there in years gone by. Her moves enthralled, as I was a keen swimmer myself. Though not really in these intemperate conditions. She, had noticed me. Warmth. I always liked that !
It was not too long, before she shouted a greeting above the sound of the spray. I responded in kind, after clearing my mouth of nourishment. My reply to her advance must have been right because she made her way in my direction. When just before me, she asked brief details of my circumstances. And, I of hers. The mood and the setting could not be " working " again ? Could it ?
I thought this possible, continuing with my relaxed approach to her prescence. The dulcet tone of voice gave me indication of her willingness to be more involved with landscape and summer beauty. As a more frequent admirer of the tranquil spot, and having time available, I felt obliged to accommodate her need for further memories to treasure. Which " gentleman " would not do the same ? Not wishing to be considered, or appear, rude. And, not to be thought uneducated in the ways of the lady, apart from usual contacts and routines.
The line had been drawn. To be eagerly crossed. In the name, of social " etiquette ", as correlating to time and place. The leaving of the water for continuing appraisals of character and personal preference brought this day firmly into view as one never belittled. The glory of mother nature, and its magnificence in this specific arena, were mine. My fervour for dedicated passions, were crystal clear, from that point, to the present !