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When, the eyes open fully and you see the truth, all problems become crisp and clear. Once, you know a problem you can deal with, it, and associated repercussions. All problems have a solution, unless they are fatal. You, will not have to worry about, them !!!
In the scheme of things, you know each day will bring something, or other, to tackle. To, correct or modify to meet personal requirements. Living life, with its variety and probabilities, obviously relates to situations arising which need management to make them conform to taste. Therefore, action is inevitable. To keep " life, on track " ! As you wish it to be.
Future planning, born from learning through experience, gradually makes life easier. Wisdom teaches mainly the most efficient ways to conduct yourself. To give yourself the best chance of survival. And, the best chance of success. Why, would, that, not be the case ? If, it makes sense, it, makes sense. You, don't do anything stupid, do you ?
You, can even learn most from mistakes, never wishing to repeat them. Why, would you ? Unless, you are a politician, of course !! They, seem to go " round and round in circles " only thinking of themselves, and bank accounts. You, have to see what matters to you. And, others. To make society work. To make society fun and free, to express itself to the maximum extent. That, is sensible. Is it not ?
How ironic is this, then ? Do you get, it ?
So, no more do you just listen to false promises i.e fabrications to attract followings, these only to be disappointed by results.  You, want to reward effort within an active environment, where clear positive advances are achieved. On, a case by case basis, REAL POLITICS, is about delivering what is beneficial, IN REAL TERMS, time and time again. For, the good of all, and those to come. Who, wants to repeat costly errors over and over again to the detriment of the collective, now, or in the future ?
Effective policy-making, is life improved. Inside, and outside, the workplace ! Who, does not want the best life possible ? No one votes for second-best, or guess. Or, even worse ! If, they, do...they are idiots. Who, likes the shit piled so high, you, can not see the vision before you ? Or, move !!
LET US SEE THE TRUTH. LET US SEE SENSE. LET US GAIN MORE, through learning from the former.
Reality. Of, time and place, working in your favour. And, for those to be.
P.S. For more. On " real politics " ! See, Otto Von Bismarck.

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