Duelling Banjos.

They, shared the same passion. And, knew, it. Unfortunately, for them. In, daily routine, and outside, there were normal distractions, from their desire. In, ball games, and in bar politics, they found respite with friends. As well as within the " working " week where " passions " were diverted to " necessary evil " leaving their minds free of the pressures of competitive elements coming into the equation. For, the want of something far in excess of the mundane. The will, for different, was driven to maximum intensity, within both of them, by history. Often, repeating itself. The usual facade and charades being abandoned at certain times for a " step " into reality. Before, her. And, her tenderness, with its promise of more, than they dreamt possible. Regularly.
The sum of the parts, was there from the beginning of it all. Their realization, of what each craved, from time and space, here. Assembly, of the mechanism, of related strain at the want of the most generous gain, took a toll on their energies. But, obviously, both saw, in the other, a reflection of themselves. Recognizing truth, before their eyes, of what could be. Of, what promise could lead to. In, the name of love. In, the presence, of her.
Their animosity towards each other obviously grew, as years emphasized their growth, away from the " trappings " of younger ages. Giving vent to frustrations, by serious deliberations, apart from her. She, remained free of shackles of permanent involvement too, due to a need for affection, only they could offer. It, was destined to all come, to a head. Clearly. As, the valve would release surplus building of anxieties, through a unique situation. Based on circumstance, and, fate. In, the heat of the night, it came. Leaving, everyone interested in outpourings of emotion always wondering. About how it all could come to this. After, early promises had seemed rejected for standard practices. The tale would be told long after the fateful night, when each took their duty seriously. And, finally, positions were taken to make the best of a bad situation. Remedial actions undertaken, giving rise to sentimental research of historic texts for similar occasions. When, hell breaks loose. In, front of an unscrupulous audience intent on creating tension, and related conflict, between parties involved.
So, the dye was cast. And, separate paths came to one location. To, settle old scores. To, highlight what goes wrong, when everything seems to be right. But, not.The superficial nature of the increasing divide, between them, making a welcome relief from the normal, in the eyes of the jealous frenzied mass. Wishing to cause trouble. Really, no-one wants to experience. But, has to at times, for the sake of understanding lifestyle choice. With all its repercussions. Hence, the irony, of the duelling swords seemed appropriate. In hindsight. In evidence of what had not happened earlier. But, really should have done.
She, gazed on, in disbelief. As, they went at it " hammer and tongs " with energy coming to optimum peak, denoting their resolute determination to see corrective deeds, for, failings in the past. To, accept reality, and the treasure of love, and correlating emotional investment. The battle for her affections, justified, in their minds, everything which had not been. The weaker to fall by the wayside, to let the other through. To, " Heavens Gate. " Where, life would be transformed, forever.
One, after barely twenty minutes, died. The other to take the hand of the " princess " he had always admired, from afar. The authorities, accepting the natural selection, process, based on the soul, not living up to " necessary " requirements, within the kingdom of instinctive lustful misadventure. Derived from alcohol consumption. And, crowd manipulation. It, all, was a tragedy. Of, Shakespearian dramatic crisis. To, be mulled over, always. As, mentioned, before, the facts of the matter.
The " real " cranking up, of interest, occurred months later. When, the winner of the spoils, and his " trophy " split. Due, to some trivial disagreement over finances. The bitter twist of fate, again, showing all its " power. " What, does this tell you about life ? Gentlemen, should not get their sword out, unless, they know how to use, it. Most, probably.